Chapter 1

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It's nice warm sunny day, the birds are chirping, students are walking to their next class, and two sixteen year-old twins are getting measured so that the tailor can use their measurements for their Coronation attires due to them becoming King and Queen of where all of this is currently happening, Auradon. As the teens are getting measured, they both stare out the window which shows the view of an Island know as the Isle of the Lost. Over there is where the current King of Auradon, King Adam also known as the Beast, had located all the villains around Auradon and left there with a barrier around the whole island where there is no magic, no internet, no way out.

(Play now)

BEN: The road could be hard

And the night could be dark


Y/N: But like stars we'll shine brightly

Where ever we are


BEN: If we stick to the dream


Y/N: We'll never fall apart


BEN and Y/N: Because we're better together

(End of song)

As they're done, King Adam and Queen Belle enter the room as the Royal Page announces them, "Queen Belle and King Adam!"

Both children turn to look at their parents, and they give them a smile. Meanwhile King Adam says, "Ben! Y/N! How is it possible that both of you will be crowned next month? Sixteen is just a baby! And- What does that make me?"

"A has-been, darling." Queen Belle replies, making the twins laugh while she places a hand on his shoulder while rubbing his arm with the other.

King Adam playfully glares at his wife and says, "Grrr, darling, grrr."

"Mom, Dad-" Ben starts and lets his twin sister continue.

"You set the stage for us to take Auradon into the next generation." Y/N says while they both get down to greet and have a conversation with their parents.

"And with that in mind-" Ben follows after.

They both look at each other, and after they both say in sync, "We've chosen our first official proclamation as King and Queen."

Queen Belle looks at the kids with joy and says, "Ooh, do tell!"

"Yes, finally." King Adam says as well.

Ben walks one step foward and says, "When we look out of our beautiful island, we always see the Isle of the lost in the distance."

Y/N walks next to her brother, placing a hand on his shoulder, and continues with, "They've been abandoned. And they deserve a second chance."

King Adam looks at his kids with slight shock, and slightly, but not really, questions, "The Isle of the Lost? Okay. . ."

"So. . . We've decided: The children of the Isle of the Lost. . . Should come to live here in Auradon!" Ben proposes making his parents gasp in shock. They were not expecting this.

"Living among us?! Are you kids mad?!" King Adam yells, slighltly showing his Beast side.

Queen Belle rubs her husband's arm and tries to reason with him, "Now, now- I gave you a second chance, didn't I?"

King Adam looks at his wife and tries to defend himself, "They've never been to the Isle, they don't know what they're like-"

Y/N interrupts him with, "For starters, they're not a they. We can start with a test run. We've already picked our four candidates."

Queen Belle, being the supportive mother she is, camly says, "See? Our kids are sensible. Now, Y/N, Ben, who are their parents?"

Ben looks at Y/N, taking that as her cue, Y/N starts with, "Cruella De Vil."

"Oh." The parents say in sync.

"Jafar." Ben follows after.


"Queen Grimhilde."


"And. . . Maleficent. . . " Ben finishes the list, holding his sister's hand.

King Adam and Queen Belle's concern faces turn into abject terror.

Queen Belle is no longer calm and says, "The children of our sworn enemies?! No. I draw the line. Maleficent is the worst villain in the land. We've tried this kind of leniency before and she nearly destroyed us!"

Y/N cuts in, "But that was twenty years ago! We have to learn to live together, now, or we'll be cursed to repeat the past."

"She's guilty of unspeakable crimes!" King Adam defends Queen Belle's claim.

"Yes, but her daughter isn't." Ben states making a certain E/C eyed girl smile at her twin knowingly, due to some certain dreams that they've both been having and have talk to each other about it, as well as their soul mate marks on their wrists. "What if she could learn to be good?"

Queen Belle walks towards her children and places a hand on each of their cheeks while asking, "Is this really the only way?"

"It's the only one we haven't tried." Y/N replies placing her hand on top of her mother's hand that's on her cheek and leaning into it.

King Adam sighs, and walks to his children and wife, while doing so he says, "One chance, Y/N and Ben. We might be giving up our crowns for some well-deserved R and R, but we are still your parents. And if you guys do not succeed. . . Auradon will never re-open its walls again."

Ben and Y/N have a look of determination on their faces, so they say, ". . . Then we better be right."

The current King and Queen nod their heads, the King lends his hand to his Queen, which she takes, and he escorts her out of the room. Meanwhile the future King and Queen of Auradon, walk back to their spots, with smiles on their faces, as the tailors fisnish their jobs, and they stare out the window looking straight at the Isle, waiting to see what the future might hold.

The Boy From The Isle (Carlos De Vil x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now