chapter 1.2 The Email (Ranboo's POV)

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AN: I just want to you to know just for the email chapters I am puting the name before the person speaking so if you forget who's POV it is you know.

I was just minding my own business and I got an email but I see its in Japanese I think it is really weird that its in Japanese.I still read it because how else am I suppose to talk to my cousin. He lives in Japan. And this is the email.

AN: Just remember i don't want to type this in Japanese so lets just say it is in Japanese but he is translating it?

To Nathan "Ranbus" Bonnie or better known as Ranboo.

This is the principal of the MOST prestigious school in all of Japan... UA high. I would like to know if you would be interested in going to UA as a transfer student or as a student in general. This is a once in a life time offer. If you reject this that would be very sad and this would to to another person. So please get a hold of me as soon as possible. And if you need this in Engliah please Email me about that and we can get out very own English teacher to rewrite this email. Thank you.
AN: The please tell us if you need it in English is in English just if you were wondering.

Ps: Please don't tell your chat. This is confidential until further notice unless you are not going to take up this offer.
If you'd remind your chat that some schools are starting up soon. They might want to have a chance to get into there dream school.
-Pro hero: Nezu

Wait so I can get a chance to go to my DREAM high school. OMG I am gonna email them Right back.

Dear Pro hero: Nezu,

I would gladly accept this request, for this this my dream to get to go into UA. I have a question will I be able to tell my friends before I can tell me fans. Also how'd you know my name.

- Nathan "Ranbus" Bonnie (Ranboo)

After I sent it I wait a while and I decide start streaming.


Ranboo: Hi chat. How are you today.


AN: Bold mean Mod. Underline is VIP. Bold and underline is VIP and Mod. (If that is possible)

Ranboofan09: Amazing now that your streaming.

Ashtheraccoon√: Good I am waiting on a message from my cousin.

User72732: Bad

AN: Come on help me by putting a random Username and a random message in comments please. If you want to.


Ranboo: I am waiting on an email right now and I just want to remind everyone to check your emails today. You guys probably didn't know but some schools are going to start soon in some countries. I just want everyone to have a chance to get into your dream school. This is my last chance to get into my dream high school. I am crossing my fingers.

Chat during stream

Ranboofan09: I am hoping to get into my dream digital art schhol. My quirk helps me with it. I am waiting on an email right no... I JUST GOT AN EMAIL.

Ashtheraccoon√: I just got an email I'll tell you what it is about Ranboo on a call later (IF IT IS JOT CONFIDENTIAL)

User82732937: I am never gonna get into my dream college. Its DEZZ NUTS.

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