Chapter 3 Hawks inspired café

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Tw: Cussing, attempt of sexual assault.

An: Also i changed it from Boba shop to Cafe at the end of the chapter. Ok let me be. I want Ran  to like the Boba shop. But don't worry I will make him go to a Boba shop. :D

Y/n's POV

AN: Lets pretend that Izuku, Tsuyu, and Keigo and the BITCH. All know English and they spoke English the whole time, ok. Thx :D

We start walking to Ran's aunts house. And I see him and tommy talking. I start laughing because Ran is explaining why he should know who All might. Because he is the number 1 hero is Japan while Hawks is 3rd. Tommy doesn't get it so I text Keigo asking him to explain to tommy who All Might is and how he should know who he is because of how much we visit Japan.

After that we get to Ran's aunts house... Well apartment. He shows us the place and then see his aunt outside of her apartment and she lets us in. She shows Ran where he will be staying. She pretty much interrogates me and tommy.

While she's interrogates me Ran comes out of the room he walks to me and sits next to me while his aunt is interrogating me. He accidentally puts his hand on mine and he brings it away from my hand and starts blushing.

"Im very sorry about that but we need to meet Izuku at the Boba shop remember," Ran says.

"Ok thank you for having us you are a very nice ma'am?," I say.

"Thank you" Tommy says.

"Bye," His aunt says.

We start walking to to the Boba shop Ran's cute gills start moving around and that means its about to rain. I get my umbrella for me and Tommy. I offered Ran to get under the umbrella and he says no because he wants to play in the rain. When it rains he likes to stay in the rain because of his axolotl traits.

We get to the Boba shop with Niki and Toby waiting with his cousin and I see Izuku with them talking. I walk over to Niki and hug her.

"NIKI" I say.

"Hi Y/n how is your cousin," Niki says while not saying hawks because I told her not to around the other people that isn't in the group chat.

"Good. How are you," I say.

"Good," Niki says.

"Tsu, this is Ranboo, Tommy, and Ash," Toby says,

"Oh Ranboo you are an aquatic animal too *Kero*," Asui says.

"Yep I am what some people call the phoenix of the sea. An axolotl," Ran say smiling.

"That's cool *Kero* I can do anything a frog can," Asui  say.

"Cool," Ran says.

"Well let go and sit down," Ran says.

"Yep we should," I say.

"Hello I am Bulikua. (Bu-luke-a) Your waiter today can I start you off with a drink.,"

"I would like the All Might smoothie," Izuku says,

"What you want Y/n I am getting the Hawks smoothie what about you," Ran whispers to me.

"Yeah I will have that too," I say.

"And for you handsome," She says to Ran. When she says that he just ignores her.

"Um sir hello why are you ignoring me. Oh are you dating that ugly bitch... Ugh you deserve better," She says.

"No I am not, but I am not interested in dating YOU. Now can I please order," Ran says.

"Ok handsome what do you want," She says.

"Um can I have the Hawks smoothie please," Ran says.

"Ok and for you you BITCH," she says.

"And she would like what I got please," Ran says.

"Oh she doesn't order for herself wow she is definitely a bitch," The bitch says.

"Please stop their just anti-social. They are scared that's all," Ran says.

While Ran is saying that I start texting Hawks. Asking him if he can come to the café inspired by him. He says yes and after she comes back with all the drinks but mine she also grabs a water and "gives" it to me but "accidentally" spilled it on Ran's lap. She grabs paper towels and tries to clean it up for him.

Ran decided he had enough of this bitch and he says that he can clean it up. But she starts cleaning it for him. Keep in mind that its on his LAP. I see Hawks and he texts me asking who is the person touching Ran. I text him back saying thars not important please help us Ran is getting very uncomfortable.

"Hi ma'am, I can tell he is getting very uncomfortable. Please stop touching him. Or else I will have to intervene," Kei Says.

"No you see she's the person that's making him uncomfortable," The girl says while pointing at me.

I can tell Ran is starting to get super uncomfortable. I start to wonder why they got even more uncomfortable then I saw she didn't remove her hand.

"Remove your hand NOOOOW," i just yell madly.

After she finally remove her hand she goes and grab the check. Without giving me my smoothie.

Ran has had enough and he just takes her hand and throws it. After that he gets up and slams the money on the table and just leaves.

He says, " I NEVER want to go to the Café again. please."

"Ok we won't," I say while comforting them.

"Ranboo, I am so sorry that happened to you," Niki says.

"Sorry, Big R, I should have called someone to help you more quicker," Tommy says.

"Ranboo, Sorry I didn't do anything," Toby says.

"Same here Nathan. Sorry I couldn't do anything," Izuku says.

After that horrible time. Some of our Fans walk up to us saying they were visiting Japan and they saw Tommy and Tubbo. They just asked who the others were.

"Oh we are just friends," Izuku says.

"Ok cool well Ranboo, Tommy, Tubbo, Ash, Niki can we get a picture with you,," The random girl says,

"Sure," Tommy says.

After the picture Tsu looks at us then it looks like a lightbulb lite up in her head.

"OHHHH that where I remember you from. Its that stream I watched that one time. You know Ranboo you have a funny humour," Tsu says.

"Thanks," Ran says.

AN: Hello my stars. I hope you are doing ok because I want you to know I care about you all. And always eat, Drink water, Take any medicine you need to take, and just know I LOVE YOU ALL. ❤


Word count: 1111

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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