Art competition

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Attention all artist.

I am having a art competition for the art work shown for the characters and I will have a top 5 best artwork in a chapter showing everyone what YOU GUYS think they look like with quirk or quirks activated. And hero costumes and i will give you guys credit if tours is picked for the top 5 or honourable mentions. I will put them the one I did.

The characters/ categories you guys will be drawing are…

Ranboo with his Axolotl quirk which is ALWAYS active.

Ranboo in his hero costume (Remember that he has two quirks)

Ranboo UA Uniform

Raccooninnit with his Regular raccoon quirk which is ALWAYS active.

Raccooninnit in his hero costume

Raccooninnit UA uniform

Niki with her quirk active

Niki in her hero costumes

Niki UA Uniform

Tubbo with his Bee quirk which is ALWAYS active.

Tubbo in his Hero costume.

Tubbo UA Uniform

Y/n with her Quirk(s) Wings and Raccoon is always active.

Y/n in her hero costume. (Remember she has 3 quirks)

Y/n UA Uniform



- Nothing inappropriate

- Have to include the quirks if they are a quirk like Hagakure which is NOT erasable and ALWAYS active

- For Y/n try to make their skin colour not just white but others as well. We want equality

- Can enter in each category ONCE. So, you can do up to 15 drawing for each.

Acceptable. Ex. You entered Ranboo casual, Ranboo Hero, and Y/n's Hero, Tommy's Hero, Niki's hero, Tubbo's hero, and everyones UA.

NOT Acceptable. Ex. you entered Ranboo casual 3 times.

- Have fun

- And please know that even if yours is not picked I will still love it. And any art form is accepted. So digital, paper and pen, paint, ect. As long as it is not TOO blurry. Hell I would even take Gacha club/ life if you want to use that I might have a category just for gacha club/life.

- Any art style is accepted.

If you want to draw them be my guest please message me and I might chose yours to put It/them in the next chapter after I get them all and publish them. I will also add my Ranboo casual. Please have fun with the art. And follow the rules of this or you will be disqualified,

AN: Hello my stars. I hope you are doing ok because I want you to know i care about you all. And always eat, Drink water, Take any medicine you need to take, and just know I LOVE YOU ALL. ❤


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