Chapter 1.4 The Email (Y/n's POV)

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I was checking the mail for my cousin Hawks like usually do when I am over here and see one from UA. I remember Ranboo telling me that his dream high school is UA. I hope they recognise him because if he doesn't get an email I will not go.

Then I check the letter addressed to me says


To Y/n Simons or better known as Ashtheraccoon.

This is the principal of the MOST prestigious school in all of Japan... UA high. I would like to know if you would be interested in going to UA as a transfer student or as a student in general. This is a once in a life time offer. If you reject this that would be very sad and this would to to another person. So please get a hold of me as soon as possible. And if you need this in Engliah please Email me about that and we can get out very own English teacher to rewrite this email. Thank you. And you can tell your friends as long as they PROMISE not to tell anyone.
To reach out to me call me at (***-***-****)
AN: The please tell us if you need it in English is in English just if you were wondering.

-Pro hero: Nezu

After I read it I decided to call him.


It went to voice mail WTF.

Dear Pro hero: Nezu,

I would be glad to have a chance of going to UA. As long as you have recognition my friend and streamer Ranboolive or Ranboo. Thank you for this and I will be expecting an Email from you. Or a call back when the date of the recommendation exam. Please call me back at (***-***-****)

My name is Y/n Simons.

End of call



Y/n: OK

AN: ok my stars my tablet is always switching from portrait and landscape and Its ANNOYING ME.

💭 I need to text Hawks.💭

After I text him I wait for an answer and while I am waiting I say.

Y/n: Well I am going to watch ranboo's stream.


Ranboo: Hi chat. How are you today.


AN: Bold mean Mod. Underline is VIP. Bold and underline is VIP and Mod. (If that is possible)

Ranboofan09: Amazing now that your streaming.

Ashtheraccoon√: Good I am waiting on a message from my cousin.

User72732: Bad

AN: Come on help me by putting a random Username and a random message in comments please. If you want to.


Ranboo: I am waiting on an email right now and I just want to remind everyone to check your emails today. You guys probably didn't know but some schools are going to start soon in some countries. I just want everyone to have a chance to get into your dream school. This is my last chance to get into my dream high school. I am crossing my fingers.

Chat during stream

Ranboofan09: I am hoping to get into my dream digital art school. My quirk helps me with it. I am waiting on an email right no... I JUST GOT AN EMAIL.

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