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"Are you sure you're ok with me going to work" Carl says as he slips his shoes on

"Yes baby, I promise. I think i'm going to go over to Kev and V's anyways. I'll text you" I say and plant a kiss on his lips.

"Ok, I love you." Carl says as he walks out the door

I pull out my phone and call Kev.

"Hey you think you could come pick me up." I say into the phone in a shaky voice.

"Yeah of corse, i'll be over in 5" Kev says and hangs up the phone.

This is the first time i've been home alone since Ev died. And all I can do is think, and think, and think, and think.

I get my shoes on and wait by the door.

Suddenly I hear a slight knock on the door and jump. I open it but hesitantly.

"Hey" Kev says as i open it.

I smile at him and walk to his truck.

"How have you been, and Carl" Kev says trying to start a conversation

"Good I guess. I mean if you mean how have we been getting along then good, all we have is each other really. But if you mean how we have been doing mentally, then shit. All I do is cry, all day everyday. Carl cry's but not as often. I've just been laying around, I haven't had any motivation to do anything. Carl has been hyper, really hyper. And he's been cleaning a lot. which is really out of the ordinary for him. I keep going in Ev's room hoping that she'll be in there but she's not. I feel like it's my fault, everyone keeps telling me it's not but it just keeps getting worse and worse as the days go by. I fucking miss her." I say as tears fall down my face, and i start hyperventilating.

Until the point i can't breath.

"Hey mya breath please. I don't know how to comfort women very well... Um, think of puppy's or something" Kev says trying to cheer me up but it doesn't work.

I keep hyperventilating, and I feel my self start to go fate.

We pull into kev and V's

Kev runs in side and gets V.

"Hey mya look at me. I need you to breath out of your nose, focus on your breathing. Lay the seat back for her Kev" V says has he motions Kev to the door.

He does and I lay back with the seat.

Eventually I claim down and go inside.


I get into the station to check in with my Sargent to get my seclude for the week

"Nice to have you back Gallagher, and i'm sorry for your loss" He says as he hands me my paycheck and the seclude

"Thanks" I say and give him a weak smile.

"Oh you have a new partner, officer Tipping. He's a cool dude I feel like you will get along great" The Sargent says to me with a grin

I walk out and to my car and wait for him.

"You must be Carl" I hear a voice from behind me say

"Yes, nice to met you officer Tipping" I say and hold out my hand for him to shake it

"Please, Call me Arthur" He says shaking my hand

I go to get into the driver seat but he pulls me back

"It's my first day with you, let the old man drive" He says with a smile.

I sigh and hand him the keys.

We get in and he start pumping the radio

"Oh I love this song." He says happily and start singing "Come on girl shake that ass me for, shake that ass for me, come on now shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me. This is your part" He says and points at me

Annoyed I sigh and start singing the song "I'm a menace, a dense  an oral hygienist. open your mouth for about four or five minutes.  take a little bit of this  fluoride with it, swish but don't spit it, swallow it and I'll finish" I say and put my head back.

(don't mind the part after he sings lol i couldn't find a video without an edit😭)

The rest of the day was just about that, an occasional pulling someone over but that's all.

Finally the end of the day comes and I go home.

I walk in and find Mya cleaning out our closet

"Hey baby" I say walking into the room

"Hey how was work" She says turning to look at me

"Interesting to say the least, I got a new partner and he's a wack job. He was making me sing 'shake that' first thing in the fucking morning" I say still annoyed

"Oh well that's nothing, I had an anxiety attack at Kev and V's" She says with a slight chuckle

"You should get some help" I say to her and sit down next to her

"I'll be fine, maybe we should have another kid so i'll just forget about this" She says and plants a kiss on my lips

"I mean i'm down for another kid. But I don't want to forget Ev completely" I say to her

"You know what i mean. I want a kid Carl, and I just blew it all with Ev. How about we start trying" she says with a smile

"Ok, but not tonight. I'm sore from today, I haven't worked in awhile, even though all we did with sit in the car, he didn't wanna do jack shit" I say while i lay down in bed.

The truth is, i'm tired from more then that. I miss Ev like crazy. She was my little girl. I never thought i could love something the way I love her, she was literally the light of my day, she kept me going. And it's breaking me that she's not with us anymore. If I could have one wish, it would be to bring her back. I had my dream life, A hot wife, a beautiful little girl, a job I love, and a nice ass house. Until Mike Coleman came around and fucked everything up. I don't think i'll ever miss anything like I miss Ev.

Until death we part- Carl Gallagher (book three)Where stories live. Discover now