Chapter 7

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Sierra splashed water on a squealing Angie in the pool.  She wouldn't admit it out loud, but she was glad he convinced her to go shopping.  Angie spun around, supported by the circle float, and splashed back.

She glanced at Zane sitting by the large hotel pool and caught him staring at her.  Something in his eyes made everything around her fade.  She looked away, embarrassed by her attraction to him.

She yearned to know more about him.  He stopped his story the other night and wouldn't elaborate on how or why he killed his brother.  The wolf she knew was very different from the one she heard about.

She recalled last night's dinner.  The three of them were at a restaurant, and Angie was in a high chair.  She was having a fit because she wanted to sit on Sierra's lap.  Zane stepped in and calmed Angie down without picking her up.  Sierra was still in awe.

Even though Angie is almost two years old, she behaves like a baby.  Sierra tries to be patient, but sometimes she can't.  It wasn't surprising that Angie regressed. She lost her parents without understanding where they went.  Then, living out in the woods didn't help.  Sierra or Beth had to do everything for her to keep her safe.

Why is Zane so good with Angie?  Is it because he's an Alpha?  Is it because he's a male and Angie is missing her daddy?  Is it just him?  Sierra risked turning his way again.  It's got to be him.  The way he is.  Yes, there's something about him that makes her knees weak.

It's nice to see her have fun.

Yes, I wish she'd stop looking at us that way, though.

I thought you'd enjoy her checking us out.

I do, but it makes it harder...

I know.

Ugh, get your mind off how hot she looks in that bikini.  She's off limits!

Hot?  She's fucking gorgeous no matter what she wears.  I am loving the view of her perky tits.

Not helping!!

If wolves could snicker, Xav would be doing just that.  Zane blocked him out of his head, something he rarely did.

Suddenly a cold wave of water hit him in the face.  Shocked, he stared at the source.  Sierra stood in the shallow end, amusement sparkling in her eyes.

"Are you going to sit on the sidelines all day or join us?"

"Oh you'll pay for that."  He stalked her like the wolf he was.

"I'm sorry!  It was an accident!"  She lied while laughing.

"Accident my ass."  He jumped in as Sierra grabbed Angie's ring to put her in between them.  "Think she's going to save you?  Not happening sweetheart."

Sierra acted scared, "is the big, bad wolf going to eat me?"

I wish.

How did you get out?

You let the block slip.  Can we eat her?

No!  Goddess help me control this horny bastard.

Deciding to ignore the interruption, Zane chased Sierra around the pool.  They dunked each other, he grabbed her foot and pulled her under.  When they stopped, Zane had his hands on her bare waist.  She was shorter than him, the top of her head fitting under his chin.

Gazing into his blue eyes, the world melted away.  Her heart beat increased, and those tingles came back.  She had her hands around his neck, her fingers touching his wet hair.

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