Chapter 12

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****sexual content

Sierra nervously waited in the car, wondering how her life was going to change again.  She was in control this time.  She trusted Zane completely, and she didn't understand why.  Her feelings for him were different and stronger than she's experienced for anyone else.

She needed him.  Needed his touch, his voice, his mere presence calmed her.  He would never force himself on her.  It was her choice to give him her virginity.  That made her feel more powerful than she's felt in a long time.  She wanted to give herself to him.  To belong to him.

Opening her door, he simply picked her up and carried her up the few steps and over the threshold.  She looked around the room and it was wonderful.

"Did you buy every flower they had?"  On every flat surface sat vases of roses, carnations, daffodils, and many others she didn't know the name of.  Besides red and pink, there were yellow, blue, and white colored blooms.  The fragrance was intoxicating.

"Perhaps.  I had to show you what you mean to me."  He sat in a big chair, settling her on his lap.  "We can go as far or as little as you want.  Tell me to stop at any point, and I will."

Gazing into his deep blue eyes, she was lost.  "I love you."  She didn't plan on confessing, but it came out anyway.

Can she get any more perfect?

"I love you, too."  His heart was bursting with joy.  "So fucking much."

Maintaining eye contact, he cupped her cheek.  He tested the softness of her lips with his thumb, slowly bringing her closer.  The first touch of his mouth on hers was light and sweet.  Gently pressing to her, he moved his lips slightly before pulling back.

Kissing her in short bursts, her hand found its way through his hair, gripping the strands to keep him close.  She lost count of how many times they kissed, and the emotions stirring inside her were amazing.  The reality of her first kiss surpassed every dream she ever had.

Leaving one hand on her face, his other hand stayed wrapped around her back, holding her in place.  Slipping his tongue inside her wet mouth, he leisurely explored every crevice.  She was caught up in the dance between their tongues, daring to taste his.

Moving his fingers into her hair, he tilted their angle to assault her mouth completely.  Satisfied that he kissed her breathless, he gently kissed her whole face.  Slowly, he made his way towards her ear.

"Sweetheart, these got to go."  He shifted so he could remove her earrings.

She already looks dazed by our kisses.  I can't wait to see her open up for us.

Stop trying to rush this.  Not only is Sierra younger than Tracy the first time we fucked, she's a virgin.  It was so quick that I barely remember it.  I want Sierra to remember.  I want this to be special for her.  Now stop interrupting and enjoy our mate.

After carefully placing Megan's jewelry on the nearby table, he kissed her lips again.  Leaving a trail across her jaw, he licked her earlobe.  Sucking it into his mouth, he bit down.

Keep your teeth in check, or I stop right here.

I know, I can't mark her.  I can control myself.

Zane licked her neck, kissing above where his mark would eventually go.  Sucking hard, he heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled.  Lavishing attention on her collarbone and the hollow, he licked and sucked enough to leave red spots.

Sierra was in heaven.  Goosebumps broke out from her arms down her legs.  Soft sounds escaped her as he continued the sensations on her delicate neck.  Then his hand let go of her hair, touching her as he moved down to her breast.

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