Chapter 16

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"Watch your language, pup."  Zane lightly growled, his blue eyes flicking to black as a warning that Xavier is also displeased.

Brittany bowed her head.  You're not with Lilly.  Father won't allow you to talk like that.  Bandit, Brittany's wolf reprimanded her.

Obviously.  I don't need you on my case.  "Sorry, Dad."

"I'd like you to meet Sierra."

"Oh, the new pack member.  Hello, welcome to Night Wind."  Her words were nice, but the tone was derisive.

"Yes, and my girlfriend.  She lives here with us.  She also has a daughter."

What the fuck?  He leaves for a month and shacks up with this slut?

Be nice.  She smells like him.  Give her a chance.  You might like her.

I doubt it.

"It's nice to finally meet you.  I've heard so much about you from Zane."  Sierra gulped.  She sensed the animosity coming off the other female in waves.

"Sorry, I can't say the same for you.  Dad didn't tell me you lived here."  She couldn't believe what was going on.

"I told you about Sierra, but I admit I left that part out.  I thought it would be better if you got to know her before forming opinions.  As the Alpha's daughter, it's your job to make everyone feel welcome."

The last words had steel behind them.  Brittany got the message, she was expected to be friends with this bitch.  Inwardly seething, she plastered a wide smile on her face.  "I'm sure we'll be best friends.  Eventually.  I'm going to be busy with school and stuff that it might be difficult to spend a lot of time together."

Zane beamed at her response.  "You'll have plenty of time!  Sierra will be going to school with you."

"Excuse me?"  I'm going to see this bitch during school AND at home?  No fucking way!

Calm down.  We don't want to get punished.

"Sierra is a senior, too.  Odds are, you'll have the same classes."

Shit just got worse.  She's my age!!!  And they're, they're, I can't even think it, let alone say it!

Having sex?  Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are.  She's not marked, but she reeks of him.

That's so gross!  Ew!  That's dad you're talking about!  He doesn't do that!

Bandit snickered, you've heard the same rumors as me.  You know his reputation as a wolf whore.

Stop!  Just stop!

"I was hoping you'd take her under your wing.  She's had a rough time lately."

I'm sure she has, wiggling her way into his pants.

"Introduce her to your friends and include her in stuff."

"Got it.  But right now, can you help bring in my bags?  I already made plans with Tiff to catch up.  Can I bring Sierra another time?"

"I'll get the bags.  You can go, but tomorrow I expect you to spend some time with Sierra."

Kissing his cheek, she said.  "Thanks, Dad, I will."

Sierra busied herself by playing with Angie until Zane was done putting Brittany's things in her room.  The exchange earlier reinforced her fears.

"I'm sorry that didn't go better, sweetheart."  Zane plopped down on the couch next to where she sat on the floor.

"Are you embarrassed by me?  Is that why you didn't tell her?"  It hurt to think he was using her for sex.

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