Chapter 10

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Stop!  Stop!  What the fuck Zane!  Are you trying to scare her away?

I'm trying to put some distance between us.  She needs to know the score.

What if your plan backfires and ends up being a rejection?  What if telling her we want her is the same as saying we are her mate?  What's the difference?  Protecting the younger wolf from being manipulated is the reason that telling another wolf you're their mate early breaks the bond.

Do you feel the bond weakening?


See?  Relax.

That doesn't mean it won't happen.  I can't lose her.  We can't lose her.

I know.

What if she's disgusted?

Then it might be easier to get through the next two years.

You're a dumbass.  What if she starts dating another, younger male?  All because you opened your stupid trap and told her the dirty thoughts in our head!

I won't allow it.

She's immune to our commands!

I can order them to stay away from her.

I bet she'll like us a lot for doing that.  And how would you explain that to her?

How should I know?  We're talking about hypothetical situations.  She hasn't even said anything yet.

Sierra was stunned.  Utterly stunned speechless.  His crude words offended her.  At first.  Thinking of him actually doing that to her did strange things to her belly.  Exciting things.  Does he really want to have sex with her?

Does she want to have sex with him?  His hands on her body, touching where no one else has, lips tantalizing her senses.  Kissing her breathless, yes, she wanted that.  A chance to feel something other than sadness?  Yes, she wanted that.

Reaching out to him, she tried to put her arms around his neck.  Grabbing her before she could, he swallowed then spoke.

"What are you doing?"

"Kiss me."

Shocked, he said nothing for a minute.  "Kiss you?  Did you not hear me?  I want a lot more than that."

"You want to have sex.  Let's do it."

Yes!  Let's do it!

Hold your whiskers.

"Sierra, sweetheart, I don't think you fully understand what you're saying."

"Yes I do.  You kiss me and we have sex.  I've heard other she-wolves talk about how good it is."


Yeah, shit.

"Let's sit down and talk.  What I want is not a quick tussle in bed.  I want all of you.  You'll belong to me.  I won't force you into this, but if we make love, there's no going back.  Everyone will know we're having sex.  I will make sure my scent surrounds you.  Are you sure you don't want to wait for your mate?"

What are you saying?

"My mate is dead, Zane.  I know Ben was my mate.  He was my fated mate and we don't get another one.  My options are to live my life alone or take a chosen mate.  I choose you, I want to be your chosen mate."  She said with more confidence than she felt.

I love her more than ever.  Watch what you say.

"Sweetheart, you have no idea how much that means to me.  You have to wait until you're eighteen before you can make that choice."

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