Chapter 25

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Groaning at the intrusion, a hand snaked out to shut off the phone.  Seconds later, it rang again.

"What?"  Brittany growled at the person waking her up early.

"You will answer the phone properly, pup."  Indignation flowed through the line.

Rolling her eyes, she should've expected Grandmother to call first thing this morning.  "It's too early for that.  It's only," she checked the time, "nine am!  Goddess Grandma, I went to bed five hours ago.  Leave me alone."

"Nonsense, you're young and should be getting out of bed.  Come over to Lily's and I'll make you my famous breakfast.  You should've stayed here last night, anyway."

Flopping down on her pillow, she knows how futile it is arguing with her.  Besides, breakfast sounds good.  "Fine, I'll be there in twenty."

"If you want any left, be here in ten.  Andrew can eat a lot."  With that, she hung up the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, Brittany walked into her sister's kitchen to find Karen flipping French toast.  The eggs, sausage, bacon, ham, and cheese are ready to stack.  Sniffing the wonderful aromas, she finally started waking up.

"About time you showed up."  Karen grabbed a plate and placed all the ingredients on top of each other before pouring a generous amount of syrup over it.  Setting the plate in front of her granddaughter, she made three more, then sat.  "Get your asses down here!"  She yelled towards the ceiling.

Giggling preceeded the appearance of Lily and Andrew.  Once everyone was done, Karen cleared her throat.

"Now that your party is over, it's time to tell us what you learned.  Because obviously you haven't broken them up yet.  For Goddess's sake, Zane never left her side last night!  It was ridiculous how he followed her around like a puppy while she pretended to check on your guests and impress him.  I almost lost my appetite.  When any unmated wolf came near them, Zane only looked at him to frighten him away.  After three attempts by different males, I couldn't talk anyone else into trying to ask her to dance.  He growled at the she-wolves who tried to flirt with him."  She focused her unhappy stare on Brittany.  "I hope you followed my instructions."

Brittany tried her best not to squirm under the scrutiny.  "Yes, I did what you told me.  I asked her to help plan my birthday parties."

"I know that, but what were you able to squeeze out of her?"  Karen started to get impatient.

"Not much.  She talks very little about herself.  Mostly, she goes on and on about her pup."

"What about Lily's plan to have the human males get close to her?  I'm sure Zane loved smelling others on her."

"He didn't know.  Anytime a guy put his arm around her, she'd push him away.  I watched her go home first to change before seeing my dad."

"Crap.  She's smarter than I thought.  Tell me everything she said, even the tiniest detail would help in figuring out where she actually came from.  My contact in Crescent Moon confirmed she was never part of the pack."

Sighing, Brittany continued.  "She never said anything.  She never talks about her old pack."

"She was a rogue!  I knew it!"  Lily exclaimed.

"Eh, I doubt it.  The way she acts and fits in here points to her being in a pack.  Rogues are skittish, even if they find their mate in a pack and join.  Remember Madison from Silver, Andrew?"

"Yeah, it took her over a year before she relaxed around everyone."

"Exactly.  I also think she has a wolf, but she won't shift for pack runs."

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