Chapter 19

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For the first time in hours, Zane smiled.  "We will continue this later.  Dismissed."  He said to Steve and Gary.  He smelled Sierra outside the door before she could knock.  The two nodded at her in passing.

She put Angie in the fenced area before sitting on his lap.  Wrapping his arms around her, he buried his face in her neck to inhale her sweetness.

"I missed you.  How was your first day?"  He brushed his lips to hers quickly.

"Surpisingly good.  I missed you, too.  I missed Angie.  It was strange being away from her that long.  I know I've been dropping her off at the daycare for weeks, but it's usually only a few hours."

"So you're used to being away from me for hours?"  He pouted.  "I'm sorry, I've had to work a lot."

"Oh, stop."  She kissed his mouth tenderly.  "I knew you'd have a ton to catch up on when we got back.  I don't mind, really."  He caressed her cheek and softly kissed her.

"I'm still sorry.  I wish I had more time to devote to you.  How was Brit?"

"Brittany was actually nice to me today.  She introduced me to her friends.  I didn't hang out with them much.  I didn't want to push my luck.  All my teachers are great.  They were impressed by how much I got done before school started."

"I told you there was no reason to worry.  I'm glad today was a good day.  Is there anything special you want to do tonight?"

"Tonight?  No.  But there is something I want to do now.  Are you busy?  Is Steve coming back soon?"

"Not until I call him.  What do you have in mind?"  His curiosity raised, he waited for her to elaborate.  Instead, she looked around the office.  Frowning, he was confused until she pushed his chair back from the desk and dropped to her knees in front of him.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?"  He knew, but wanted to hear her say it.

"The other night was amazing for me, I still keep thinking about it.  I want to return the favor.  I haven't done this to you."

Slowly and deliberately, she unbuckled his belt, then the button on his slacks.  Pulling on the zipper, he was already straining against his clothes.  Moving the pant material aside, she rubbed a finger from the base of his cock to the tip.  He twitched in response, making her smile.

"You don't have to do this.  I'm happy to pleasure you."

Shut up!  I'm ready to feel her lips on our shaft.

"I want to."  It shocked her how much that statement was true.  She's been shy about touching him.  With two fingers, she moved them up and down his covered dick.  Taking a deep breath, she looked up into his eyes.

Obeying the silent cue, Zane stood up for her to push his pants to his ankles.  He didn't attempt to take them off, and neither did she.  Hooking a finger into each side of his underwear by his hip, she slowly revealed his partly stiffened cock.  He was going to sit down, but her face was right in front of him.

She's seen him naked, but this is the first time she's seen him up close.  He never pushed her to do anything, knowing they had the rest of their lives to enjoy each other.  He got the toys for her because she mentioned it.  He let her set the pace for their intimate relationship.

I love the fact that we are the ones teaching her.  No one else will touch her.  No one else will touch us.  All her firsts belong to us.

Sierra gazed at him, slightly shocked he fits perfectly inside her.  Tentatively, she touched his cock, delighting in the silky feel of his skin.  After a few times of rubbing up, down, and around the bulbous tip, she noticed his hands were clenched.

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