A Visit from The Cousin

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Tooru just couldn't wait. It felt like forever since he'd seen his lovely cousins (besides Arata of course) and his auntie and uncle.

The last time he saw his family was for Christmas and he felt that it was time to pay them a visit, of course with permission from his auntie.

The knock on the door rung in the air for a second before it opened to reveal a slightly disheveled Arata.

His hair was messily done while his joggers hung loosely around his waist.

"Arachan!" Tooru hugged his cousin tightly, the said male returning it with less effort.

"Hi, Tooru. How are you?" Arata seemed dazed and not fully with him, Tooru took note.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"'m good." Arata smiled before releasing the slightly younger male.

The two headed inside. The house was as it usually was. Clean and organized. The living room was occupied by his auntie, who was knitting before dropping the activity to fully focus on her nephew.

"Hello dear, it's nice to see you." Tooru bowed, greeting her with respect.

Next to her was his other cousin, Rin. She was reading a book quietly.

"Hey Rinny-chan." Tooru stood up straight and headed towards the two females, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek.

After greeting the man of the house and the other twin, who were both working on some sort of project in the basement, Tooru and Arata went upstairs to talk because if the brown haired male was being honest, he was there mostly to hangout with his volleyball playing cousin.

"So, why do you seem so out of it today?" Tooru asked while looking around the room.

It was tidy much like the rest of the house. The room was painted a nice shade of mint green and had chestnut wooden bookshelves that held different books and action figures. The bed frame was also made out of chestnut wood and was decorated with a white comforter.

"I don't know what you mean." Arata looked down in shame, contradicting his answer, showing that he knew exactly what the other male meant.

"Look at you, your eyes are blood shot, you're all sluggish and what not, and don't get me started on the smell your room is giving off. I know exactly why you're like this but I want to hear it from you." In one of the rare Tooru moments, the boy stood his ground and acted quite serious, almost scaring the older male, who was sitting on the beanbag in the far left corner of the room.

"If you already know then I shouldn't have to tell you." Arata meekly stated, tapping his fingers with his thumb over and over again.

"You're doing drugs. What the hell man?" Tooru loved his cousin, he truly did, and this new discovery freaked him out.

"..." Arata refused to make eye contact, instead finding his hands more fascinating to look at.

"You're really scaring me, Arachan. Is something going on? Are you ok? You know you can tell me anything..."

"I can't tell you anything. There is so much fucked up shit going on in my life and if I can't do anything about it then what makes you think you can!" Arata slightly raised his voice, which was not something he did often.

"...if you just told me then we could figure something out. Doing drugs wont fix your problem..." Tooru sighed before walking towards his cousin, slumping down into a kneeling position. He rested his face on the the ravenette's knees. "I care about you, you know that. And drugs won't do you any good."
(A/n - I write as I'm high asf)

"I...I know weed won't help me, but it makes me feel good for at least an hour. I just...I can't talk to you about it...not right now at least. I promise, I'll tell you it soon, just not right now."

"Swear on it."

"I swear I'll tell you."





I...I can't do it anymore

Life sucks

It hurts

It hurts so much

So, so fucking much

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