A Normal Day Before Sh*t Happens

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I realized that I keep mentioning the project Arata's father is working on. This has no significance to the story. I just need an excuse for what he's doing lmaooo
It was another normal school day at school. Kids moved slowly through the hallways, trying to get to their class on time.

Arata was one of them, exhausted and moving like a slug. His focus was towards his smaller friend, Fujiwara, who spoke animatedly about football.

Arata wasn't too infatuated with the sport but his friend was, and he loved watching the blond boy talk so excitedly about it.

"-and then he passed the ball to me, and of course being me and all, I received it perfectly, and scored the winning goal before the time ran out. Damn it was such a neat way of starting the new year." Fujiwara sighed happily, remembering the game perfectly. "Anyways, how was that practice match against your cousin."

"...good, we won." Arata smiled, masking the exhaustion.

"What? Really? Even against Seijoh? Damn, that's impressive."

The two talked more before getting to class that was already half full, waiting for their home room teacher to show.

Arata hummed as he greeted his classmates with a bow.

He was a popular lad, being the student council president and all. Though he didn't speak much, the other teenagers didn't mind, seeing him more as a hot mystery than a loner.

"YOSHIDA-SENPAI!!" As soon as the said male opened the door to the volleyball club, already dressed having previously made a stop to the club room, he was bombarded by the two smallest members of the team."

"Oh hey Hinata-kun, Noya-kun." He greeted the two with a smile.

He was glad that Nishinoya and Asahi decided to rejoin the team, even after last years fiasco. The two were key members to the team and they couldn't risk losing them.

Arata made his way to Sugawara and Daichi, who were talking amongst themselves as they stretched.

"Hey Yoshi." Sugawara looked up at the male, "how are you?"

"I'm ok." Sugawara looked wearily at him, noting that the male seemed a bit off today.

He wasn't sure what it was, maybe the male's posture or the way his eyes were droopy. Sugawara was also sure he saw the boy trembling a bit but he wasn't too sure.

"You sure?" Daichi questioned, seemingly noticing the same things as his grey haired friend.

"Yeah, just a bit tired." Arata rubbed at his eyes.

He hasn't been sleeping well for the past few days, causing him to have a lot more headaches and times where he felt like he could just keel over.

He sighed, yawning, before getting down to do some stretches.

"So your birthday is coming up. We should do something fun." Sugawara suggested once Arata got settled down on the ground.

"Sure, I'd like that. My parents aren't doing anything to special for it so..." the mention of his parents made him pause for a second. He hated talking about them. "So it would be kind of fun to hang out with you." He finished.

"Hmm, yeah." The grey haired male eyed his friend suspiciously.

He rarely mentioned his parents, but when he did, he would always take a moment to think before speaking, causing Sugawara's suspicions to skyrocket.

He truly did fear for his friend. He wasn't sure what he feared, but something about Arata's family aura never sat well with him.




I just spent 4 hours in the hospital for my annual MRI checkup and I'm exhausted😪

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