The Aftermath

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Arata could have sworn he died.

He was stabbed and slashed. He should be dead.

So why is he in the hospital. Hooked up to a whole bunch of machines.

He couldn't speak, couldn't move. Nothing wanted to work yet everything hurt like a fucking bitch.

His eyes scanned the room and after a minute of doing that, he noticed the second body in the room.


His cousin.

What was his cousin doing here?

Arata tried voicing the question but it didn't come out and that was the exact moment he realized he had a tube running through his mouth and down his throat.

"Hugh." He made one single noise, and that noise caused an immense amount of pain to shoot through his body.

His heart started to race which was voiced by the heart monitor.

That was able to wake up Tooru from his slumber.

He blinked once, then twice, then looked over at Arata, who's wide eyes stared right back at him.

"Arachan! Hold up, let me get a doctor." And with that, he was gone.

On the 28th of April, 2 on duty officers responded to a noise complaint called in my *retracted*. They complained about loud noises, screams, and thuds coming from the house next door.

When they arrived, no noise was coming from the estate but the door was slightly open. Knocking on the door, the officers called out if anyone needed help. They were going to leave until they took notice of the large blood splatter on the floor.

Calling for back up, they announced they were coming in, following the blood all the way to the basement door.

When the door was opened, they stepped foot down the stairs and were witnessed to a gruesome, horrific sight.

12 year old twins, Yoshida Riku and Yoshida Ren were found dead. Killed by their father, 38 year old, Yoshida Daisuke, while his wife, 37 year old, Yoshida Mai, watched.

17 year old Yoshida Arata, the oldest son of the two, was found with two stab wounds, one across his torso, and the other across his neck.

Luckily, paramedics got to him just in time to stop the blood loss and save the boy.

Daisuke and Mai were taken into custody, where they will be questioned and later on, will be able to plea guilty. Until then, my heart goes out to those effected by this terrific event.

Tooru couldn't believe it.

How could he not have noticed.

As he left his cousin to get a doctor, his mind went elsewhere.

Thinking back to all the memories of his family gatherings, visits to the Yoshida's, and holidays, he thought about the warning signs, the possible calls for help from the siblings, anything that would tell him of what was truly happening.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing came up.

They were always happy. Always.

But maybe that was what was wrong. No one was always happy like they were.

His eyes started to blur as he thought about his younger cousins.

Riku and Rin died. They were murdered, killed. They were only 12.

They didn't deserve any of that.

"Fuck." He whispered underneath his breath before tapping one of the on duty doctors. "Yoshida Arata woke up." He pointed towards the ICU room where his cousin laid.

He felt empty as the doctor explained to him about his condition. About how if the paramedics got to him only a minute later, he would have probably died due to blood loss.

His siblings were gone.

He knew this when he saw them it felt real.

It struck him that he will never be able to come home and see Rin reading her favorite book on the couch, or help Riku with his maths homework.

He was never going to hold his siblings when they cried, or laugh at their jokes.

The emptiness felt numbing. He didn't like it. He hated it, in fact.

"Arachan...why didn't you tell me?" Tooru spoke to him once the doctor left them after doing a quick checkup.

He couldn't speak due to the ventilator so he just sat there and watched as his cousin broke down.

"We...I could have helped you. God, this is all so fucked up." Tooru gripped his pale hand. " god." The last time Arata saw Tooru cry was after the volleyball match last year, when his team lost.

Looking at him now made him feel sick.

He should have told him. If he did, maybe they wouldn't have died. Maybe they could have gotten out unharmed.

It was his fault. Truly.

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