The End

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The funerals were held all together.

Yoshida Arata.

Yoshida Riku.

And Yoshida Rin.

Many people were there. The Oikawa family and the Yoshida family gathered as did the Karasuno team and the friends of Arata, Riku, and Rin.

They were all there to do one thing and one thing only. Morn the loss of the angelic angels.

The three of them deserved better.

Everyone understood this. Nothing bad could be said about the kids. Nothing.

They were perfect. Too perfect in a sense and now everyone knew why.

Daisuke and Mai both pleaded not guilty to the murders of Riku and Rin and the attempted murder to Arata. They pleaded not guilty to the abuse of all three siblings.

Their trial date was set for the coming summer days when all the stories and evidence that police had gathered from Arata's room the night of the murders was going to be released for the jury and peanut gallery to hear.

Of course, when the jury had come to the decision, Daisuke was found guilty on 2 counts of 1st degree murder, attempted murder, and extreme child abuse. He was sentenced to life without parole. 

Mai got off easy with 25 years in prison without a chance of parole after being found guilty for accessory murder and child abuse and neglect.

The two had heard about their oldest son's death and felt no ounce of regret. None at all.

So, as you can see, the Yoshida family was never a happy story to tell.

It didn't have the happy ending most are familiar with. There was no magical fairy godmother to make the pain all go away or a handsome prince to kiss it and make it better again.

Those are things that only happen in books. Life isn't like that. I'm sure you can say the same thing, Yoshida Arata could tell you that for sure.

Life isn't like that, but maybe the after life is.

Arata felt his eyes open as he looked around.

He had no idea where he was or how he got there. He didn't remember much of anything to be honest.

He was surrounded by a light. A nice, warming light.

He could see a few faces that looked vaguely familiar.

They both had black hair like him, and grey eyes like him too.

They both gave off the feeling of safety and warmth, so he drew himself towards them.

They both looked up at him and smiled.

He smiled back, feeling a homely vibe surround him.

Arata hugged them, whoever they were, and they returned the hug.

It was warm, and calming, and peaceful, and safe.

He felt at home.





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