Adoption papers

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Professor sprout was positively glowing as she bounced around the room, surveying the students and their work. On the other hand, the students were struggling to keep focused as the minute hand drew closer to the end of the lesson. Y/n had situated herself next to Neville, arriving slightly late to the last lesson of the day. Like majority of her class, she was drooped on her desk, holding her head upright with the help of her hand. Usually she enjoyed her herbology lessons, but today's was particularly cruel, with lines after lines written on the worksheet, lulling her eyes to sleep.

Neville, however, was positively awake, having finished his work almost immediately, he quietly listened to the conversations of Seamus and Dean, chiming in to help them complete their own answers. His cheeks were glowing slightly red as he attempted to maintain his jittery behaviour at the girl's proximity to him.

Y/n sighed for the eighteenth time that lesson, rubbing her finger along her forehead as she continued to peer aimlessly at the questions before her. Instead of attempting to continue she plucked up the courage to tap Neville on the shoulder.

The boy in question almost froze before he forced himself to turn to the girl.

"Hey Nev could you help me with this question?"

He shakily nodded, looking down at her question before launching into a soft spoken explanation. The girl nodded as he spoke, slowly gaining an understanding of what was being said. The professor clasped her hands together, causing both to snap their heads upwards,

"Okay class, before you pack up I want you all to do some partner work for homework," small groans and whispers rumbled through the class as each began writing down the work written up on the board to complete. Neville turned to his right to find Dean and Seamus already creating a plan on how to procrastinate, leaving him to worriedly turn to the girl besides him.

"Uhm, h-hey Y/n would you-, do you want to work on the project together?"

The said girl beamed up at him nodding her head softly in agreement as she spoke with a hopeful tone,

"Yeah of course, are you free now? We could head down to the lake to have a look at some specimen"

As Neville hurriedly agreed, the two set off in search of the lake, coming out of the classroom only to find a certain platinum blonde leaning against the pillars, grasping a green apple in his hand. Upon seeing the two exit he walked up to Y/n.

"C'mon Y/n let's go, I was just about to head down to the common room before dinner"

Y/n sent an apologetic look towards the slytherin,

"Sorry Draco I'm heading down to the lake to finish off her plight with Nev. We can do our potions tonight"

Draco finally scanned his eyes across the boy just beside y/n, he couldn't possibly fathom what could compel the girl to hang out with Neville over him. It truly baffled him, and slightly angered him for some reason, leaving a sour taste in his mouth. Draco sneered, sending a glare to the said boy as he sauntered off through the halls.

"Yeah whatever, have fun with longbottom"

The two resumed their walk, taking a turn which released them right into the magnificent grounds, the sun was beaming down upon the pair despite the adamantly rainy nature of hogwarts. As they reached the water's edge they both halted dropping their belongings on the bank to prevent their vital notes from getting wet.

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