A Sheep in wolves clothing

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Professor Lupin was struck down by what some would call a cold. Body aches, weakness, an overall fragility which kept him away from the class. That's how Snape had described it as he had sauntered towards the front of the class, robe whisking behind him as he did so. Y/n had no qualms about the said professor but the same clearly couldn't be said for the red and gold clad classmates who shrunk slightly in their seats in order to thwart the attacks from Snape's sly mouth before they had even formed.

He quickly opened up his textbook, flicking to an obscure page before beginning his rant on lycanthropy. Y/n let confusion wash over her face at the strange change in study materials, before she could voice her opinion however, Hermione beat her to it, raising her palm up to gather attention.

"Sir, we're not up to that chapter yet, if -"

Snape's glare could have caused a fizzing whizbee to sour.

"Yes, miss Granger. But now we're studying this, if you cannot keep up with the content please let me know."

The girl reluctantly lowered her hand, allowing the professor to continue his lesson. Snape had a specific way with words which seemed to be able to strike fear through almost everyone. Y/n couldn't help but think about how odd it was that snape would choose the study of werewolves of all things, although she supposed the full moon may have influenced it somewhat.

A thought splayed on the top of her tongue as she continued etching her notes onto a piece of parchment, working carefully within the silence. A possibility so improbable it made her shake her head in disbelief. The idea that maybe, just maybe.

Professor lupin had something to do with the sudden change in study.


The weekend had quickly approached, saving the students from endless days of classes, some more terrifying than others. Despite the slightly warmer weather, Y/n had planned to hold a butterbeer close to herself for majority of her trip down to the local town, armed with a small white scarf and thin jacket, she wasn't the most equipped for the still chilly weather. She had abandoned her usual entourage of slytherins and was now simply waiting for two certain troublemakers to arrive. 


Her hair whipped around in search of the sound, finding a platinum headed boy bounding towards her.

"Draco, i thought you weren't coming today?"

"Oh i'm not, just thought i'd keep you company til you left"

He held up his books in his right arm with a soft grin. The two continued talking, Y/n felt the sharp air brush against her exposed skin and pulled her scarf closer to herself, causing the boy to frown slightly. He began shifting off his sweater, handing it to the confused girl. 

"You'll catch a cold"

A red tinge had begun to flay across his cheeks, blaming it on the cold winds he simply shot a glance down to his shoes, only when he looked up the blush had disappeared. Because Y/n was no longer alone, two twins had draped themselves over her shoulders and now held sly grins upon their lips. Almost infuriating enough for him to abandon his plans of catching up on his studies. Instead, he waved a quick goodbye to Y/n, sending discreet glares to both Fred and George.

As she entered the Three Broomsticks, the girl could have sworn she felt the familiar feeling of a gaze wrapping around her figure, but perhaps it was just the Ravenclaw girl from across the room. Her eyes were sharpened and a glare played upon her lips as she sent short silent snarls towards Y/n which she attempted to ignore. The trio quickly huddled towards a booth as George went to order for them all Y/n and Fred began attempting to talk over the growing noise of students and others alike.

There was a short lapse in sound which made both turn to face the rest of the room in search of the cause of such a disruption in the noise. The minister of magic had entered, quickly exchanging words with numerous ongoers in a feigning of his friendliness. Y/n had seen him a couple times during various galas her parents had dragged her into. She tended to have fun despite never wanting to go, as if she woudl ever admit that. It wasn't until a certain name was mentioned that her ears finally perked up.


That in itself wouldn't have concerned her if not for the remaining words. Buckbeak was to be executed. And even worse, Malfoy had something to do with it. Y/n couldn't help but let her eyes glaze over slightly as she was quickly reminded of the doe eyes of the poor creature. Suddenly feeling disgusted with the fabric shrouding her shoulders, she quickly tore it off, laying it beside her. 

She couldn't help but remain silent as they walked back towards the grand building of hogwarts. George tapped Fred, a bit too aggressively forcing him to stumble slightly and shoot a glare in the direction of his brother. George ignored the glare sent his way and instead nodded his head in the direction of the girl who trudged forward before them. It was clear she had been sulking for a while now despite the effort she had taken to remain present within their time in town. Forming a plan within their heads, they hurried forward, swinging their arms beneath hers and swinging her between the two of them.

Y/n couldn't help but giggle in surprise at the sudden movement, finally feeling her mood lift slightly as they continued up the small hill. They eventually brought her to the entrance of the dungeons, slightly happier as she entered the common room. 

"Hey Y/n You'r-"

Before he could continue, the girl quickly shoved his sweater back into his arms causing him to stumble slightly at the force. Climbing up the stairs to find her friend, she left a slightly confused and heartbroken boy in her midst.

A/n Another cute little chapter thats not technically a chapter since i'm editing back through the story. I'm liking how the story is progressing a lot better now though. Make sure to let me know what you think.

Love SweetansSsour  

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