The Smoke in Salty air

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This night was slightly different to her others. Slightly chillier. Slightly quieter as the girl laid awake within her bed, still catching her breath from her rude awakening. She was too tired to sit up or move, instead opting to stair at the ceiling of her canopy, tracing the intricate design with her eyes. A short gasp erupted from beside her, causing her to finally sit upwards, leaning on her hands.


Y/n nodded as Pansy shot her an understanding nod.

"Want to talk about it?"



The two girls instead slowly lifted themselves out of bed, throwing on soft jumpers as they exited the room, careful not to wake their remaining roommates. Pansy swiftly closed the door of the dungeons as the two manoeuvred their way through the dimly lit halls in utter silence, afraid of being caught by any roaming eyes. Y/n couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her friend almost completely falling over as she bumped into a stone statue. Eventually they had traversed the stony landscape and found themselves at an extra peculiar portrait. Pansy reached out her slender fingers and swiftly ticked the pear causing it to swing open.


Y/n gasped as she peered into the industrial kitchen before them. It was already lit up and bustling, completely opposing the dead silence of the hallways. Inside, numerous house elves where already constructing towers of food for breakfast, however their hospitality embraced the two girls as a certain house elf neared the two, blinking up at the raven haired girl with a gleam of recognition.

"Hi Winky, this is Y/n"

The said elf raised a smile to her lips greeting the girl gently whilst ushering them to sit at a nearby counter.

"Of course miss, Winky will get some hot chocolate on the stove"

Y/n couldn't help but smile at Winky's energetic nature, thanking her softly before hugging her sweater closer to her body. Pansy had already settled in, kicking her legs as she broke the silence between them.

"What do you think Lupin had planned for us in class today? I don't think i can deal with any more boggarts right now"

"I couldn't agree more. Might as well have just knocked me out, would have been half as embarrassing"

"Couldn't have been as embarrassing as Malfoy getting knocked on his ass by Buckbeak"

The two giggled quietly at the expense of the said blonde, sipping at the rich cocoa before them, laid out in funky coloured mugs the house elves tucked away for the holidays and midnight snacking. Eventually the two snuck back into the cover of the dark hallways, not forgetting to send thanks to Winky, making their way to their room to get prepared for a new day of lessons with slightly lighter hearts despite their rude awakenings.


The clouds had not let up since the morning, choosing to remain tightly knit within the sky, blocking any means of sunlight from peaking through. The grounds remained gloomy throughout and a fear of rain erupting at any moment kept majority of the students at bay within the interior of the castle. However, due to not having a class, Y/n ventured towards her favourite place to sit and simply stay within her own company. The WIllow.

See the willow was notoriously feared throughout the school after sending Dennis Treple into the hospital wing for a couple days following a stupid prank, but Y/n had learnt a trick to keeping it from leaving her in the same state.


It was simple and effective and yet no one had attempted to use it, probably put off by the idea of it wearing off without warning. The girl set her bag beside her, pulling out her worn copy of Romeo and Juliet. Sure she had her fair share of issues with it, but it still managed to capture her attention with each read, immersed in the way the words flowed together, her eyes seemed to swim and dance across each page.

A small nudge tapped her free hand, anticipating the Willow had begun its whirlwind of movement faster than the girl had thought, Y/n went to pick up her wand. Only instead her eyes met with a black dog, shaggy in appearance with dirt ruffled through its fur. Y/n couldn't help but awe at the round eyes it looked at her with. She quickly turned, rustling through her bag in search for something until she finally produced some food carefully wrapped in a brown paper bag. The house elves had whipped her something up when she revealed she was planning on skipping lunch to study outside. She picked out some bread first, carefully feeding it to the dog before doing the same with her water. Soon the dog was filled and carefully laid his head upon her lap as she continued to read her book, softly petting at the soft fur on his head. 

The girl had fallen asleep under the warm embrace of the willow, only waking to find the dog far gone from her grasp. Leaving her with only the scent of rain and smoke wafting through the air.

A/n This was a complete rewrite of the original chapter cause i'm planning on making the chapters more stretched out and just generally better i hope. I hope you enjoyed and as always make sure to let me know if you have any ideas or if you're liking the story so far.

Love, SweetandSsour

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