Dementor! dementor!

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The small screeches of butterscotch disrupted Y/n's blissful sleep causing her eyebrows o crease together. The girl slowly opened her eyes, tossing her warm covers away from her body. Y/n's vision travelled over to her owl who stared back, eyes opened in feigned innocence. Despite her abrupt awakening, she allowed a small smile to dance across her lips at the adorable nature of her pet. Carefully moving across the room, she swung the window open, allowing for the suns rays to invade the room alongside a number of waves of wind. Unlatching the cage with a swift movement, she gave the small bird a pat on the head before he dropped off the ledge, allowing for the wind to ruffle across his feathers.

Travelling quietly across to her wardrobe, she grasped her uniform, pulling it off of the hanger and slipping on the green and silver accents. The cool air of the morning pricked at her skin causing her to pull her sweater closer to her skin in an effort to conserve her warmth.  After briefly looking into the mirror, she slipped towards the great hall, leaving her roommates to continue their peaceful rest.

Still unfamiliar with the set out of the massive castle, she barely made it to the Great hall. Entering, her eyes were caught upon Hermione's waving hand which struck up In the air hoping for her attention. Y/n quickly walked over to the Table which was littered with students dressed in gold and red robes, smiling at the trio who sat at the centre. Placing her books beside her, y/n placed herself across the two boys greeting them with a short good morning. Her body slouched slightly as she let her body fall into the wooden seat, her exhaustion washing over her.

Unbeknownst to her, Harry glanced up at her pouting face, he slightly chuckled at her expression which danced across her peaceful face. Her lips opening slightly to accept the food given to her by Ron.

A certain slytherin glanced up from his green apple to see the American. It was odd, he never recalled feeling like this, but she somehow never failed to impress him. He scowled slightly as Weasley fed her, an urge to do it himself calling out to him

Glancing up at the clock which proudly displayed itself on the wall, Hermione ushered everyone out of their seats in a hurry. Y/n held out her cup of water as Ron began choking from Hermione's urgency. He greedily accepted it, chugging down the liquid as Hermione continued to usher them outwards.

As they made their way to the forest border, y/n spotted who she assumed to be Hagrid, his appearance matched the description but the stories from the trio made his menacing figure seem misleading. The girl attempted to follow Hagrid's instructions on opening her book, but the snapping teeth growled at her, daring her to lose her fingers. Blaise laughed at her scrunched nose as she tried to manoeuvre her fingers around the terrifying book. 

As the slytherins passed her, Draco grabbed her book, sliding his finger along it and placing it back into her frozen arms, earning a grateful smile which outshone the glares from various males. Her friendliness towards the two was short lived, disintergrating into ashes as their torment towards Harry began.


Y/n turned around a look of fear washing across her face, as she made eye contact with Draco his smirk dropped and was replaced with worry. His sympathy didn't last long as he started making fun of Harry.

"Scared Potter?"

he chuckled as all his friends and  put their hoods up pretending to be dementors. Pansy chuckled beside her at the boys failed attempt at a joke, staring back down at her book unknowing of the girls sombre mood beside her.

Hagrid broke the awkward atmosphere with his booming voice. As he gathered their attention, a hippogriff flying towards the group landing in front of the American girl. Hagrid's voice laced with worry, but the girl showed an unusual calmness, she seemed rather excited.

Y/n had never seen one before other than in her textbooks back at Ilvermorny. She was a bright student and therefore knew she should bow and earn the animals respect first, a grave mistake many had forgotten before her. Slowly she bowed down and calmly waited for him to return her actions. Almost immediately Buckbeak bowed back, calming the girl's nerves. A breath left her parted lips as her muscles slowly relaxed at the new found safety.

"Come on Harry, you're up next"

A thought entered Hagrid's mind as he saw Harry's awkward aura around the girl, handling her as if she were made of porcelain.

"Why don't you guys go for a ride"

Harry reluctantly hopped onto Buckbeak, shooting an alarmed look at the professor and then leant the petite girl a hand. Y/n hopped on and held Harry's waist tightly. As they lifted off into the sky, she muttered under her breath

" Fear of heights please don't act up now"

As they rose in height, the wind began whipping across their clothes, the grounds began to accumulate in a solid image. The scenery quickly wiped her mind clear, the wind caressing her face as she smiled. 

They quickly dropped towards the ground, causing the girl to release a soft yell from her mouth until Buckbeak stopped abruptly, grazing across the body of water. She peered down at their reflection in the lake, admiring how the water rippled from the wind of their movement. Harry felt her arm clutch his waist and it sent butterflies running up his spine. As they landed once again in front of their classmates, harry was positively beaming.

Draco, on the other hand, was furious, if Potter could do it so could he. He pushed passed the other students towards the creature a smirk placed upon his lips

Malfoy drawled, loud enough for Harry to hear him.

"I knew it must have been easy, if Potter could do it ... I bet you're not dangerous at all, are you,  you ugly great brute?"

In a flash Buckbeak had swiped Malfoy with his talons in open defiance of Draco's insult

Malfoy let out a high pitched scream like a girl and in the next moment, Hagrid was wrestling Buckbeak back into his collar as he strained to get at Malfoy, who lay curled in the grass, blood blossoming over his robes.

"I'm dying!"

Malfoy yelled, as the class panicked. 

"I'm dying, look at me! It's killed me!"

Y/n hurried over to look at his injury, assessing his body quickly before chuckling, it was a minor scratch on his arm that barely split skin. 

"You're not dying Draco, it's just a cut"

She always kept a bandage in her bag due to her clumsy nature, some people laughed when they found out but they sure as hell stopped laughing when it was needed. Quickly, she wrapped it around his arm and helped him up. Even though he was fine Draco began wailing like a baby as he was carried to the infirmary with Pansy close behind.

(A/n this is my all time favourite scene in the series.)


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