drowning (in his eyes)

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By 6pm they all exchanged numbers and made a group chat, going their separate ways. Leah had told Theo to come to her room when he was done his shower to hangout while she got ready. It takes her about an hour longer than him, she didn't want the boy to be left waiting for an hour.

She stepped out of the shower, wrapping her body in a towel as she did her skincare. Just then, knocking was heard on the hotel door. The girl walked over, and to no surprise, Theo stood at the door with a huge smile. He really did look good, with a black dress shirt on that had half of them unbuttoned, and  a pair of grey sweats. "Woah Theo, you look good."

He thanked the girl, brought up her hand to his plump lips and kissed it in response. She felt her cheeks heat up in the slightest, but it didn't go unnoticed. Leah was shocked at how her body responded to that, but he really did clean up nice.  She showed Theo a couple dress options, and he picked a short, low cut, black dress, with a open back. It was elegant and matched his outfit. She put in her hair product before it started to dry, then started to work on her makeup. She sat on the floor in front of the full-body mirror to do her makeup so Theo could sit in the chair right beside her. She did natural makeup that brought out her beautiful features, adding a little bit of black eyeshadow to enhance her eyelashes. She sprayed her juicy couture perfume that smelt sweet and homey. Leah slapped Theo's shoulder as a signal that she was ready, and grabbed a small black purse to put money, a room key, and her phone in. He grabbed her hand and spun the now-ready girl, getting a view of the look.

The friends exited her room, her eyes lingering on the room across from hers owned by one particular boy she only met today; but couldn't get her mind off of. "Im starving, holy shit"

"Were about to eat the whole buffet."


The two of them found a table for two at the buffet, putting their stuff down to mark it occupied. Leah piled up all kinds of foods; and grabbing a separate plate for just fruit. Pineapple was her favourite, and it was so fresh here she couldn't get enough. Then the other hand was pileing tons of carbs and meat, his weakness. They would end up sharing their plates so it didn't really matter how much was decided to get. After sitting down at the table, conversation quickly started. Even with Leah being busy talking to Theo, she still did her favourite thing; people watch. She observed the different people sitting at their tables, noticing little details that would allow hero inference things about them. A lady sat with her husband with her legs up in his lap, and every time a cat would come by she would move them further away from the floor and grow uncomfortable; Leah guessed the older lady didn't like cats. Then another boy was feeding the cats, more moving his way as they all realized he would feed them. 

Her eyes moved around, sifting through the people for some reason wanting to see that one boys face as she spoke to Theo about drama from both of their home lives. His face was addicting, Leah felt her heart flutter when she spotted him. The girls never felt this way before; this vacation crush was going to turn extreme, she knew it would. When she looked away to give a shocked face to Theo as he told her about how a girl he knew got pregnant, Isaac looked the girls way, his head caulking to the right in awe as his already smiling lips started smirking lightly from the sight of her. He's never seen a girl as beautiful Leah; she was stunningly gorgeous to him.


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