alone in the dark

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hey guys just so you know this chapter gets a bit disturbing so if you are not comfortable with that then you should click off now and if you don't and you are still uncomfortable don't yell at me that I didn't warn you. anyway enjoy.

TW: kidnaping, restraints, body horror, forced cannibalisms, cults, etc.


Zeno was walking home, heartbroken at losing a close friend he was so lost in his own thoughts that he wasn't paying attention to the world around him...


'why would they say that? what did i do?' i think to myself distraught, 'why does this always happen..? this loop of friendship or love for a bit then it all going up in flames?'

i let out a sad and defeated sigh as i keep walking..

??? POV

"look at him" i point at the sad looking man walking towards where we hiding "oh the leader will love this! lets grab him." my partner says in excitement i nod in agreement as i ready the ropes.


Zeno continues to walk unaware of the tragedy that will soon befall him. he walks past a large bush  then stops when he hears rustling turning back to face it and investigate the sound

suddenly four red cloaked hands burst out of the bush and grab Zeno by his arms and drag him into the bush Zeno lets out a yelp out of fear but was quickly shut up by a cloth being tied on top of  his mouth. Zeno struggles to escape the grasp of the cloaked figures even more so when being tied up tightly with rope.

the rope was done up so tight it cut into Zeno's skin deeply especially on his neck.


Zeno was brought to an abandoned mansion or what looks to be abandoned.

going through the big wooden doors he is met with what looks like hundreds more of the cloaked people staring at him and at the top of the stairs was one of them without the weird hood on.

this person had medium length hair black as night when looking closer he was not wearing a cloak he was waring a red turtle neck with a black suit jacket overtop and black dress pants. he was waring a gold bracelet and a couple gold rings one of which looked like a wedding ring.

he had a wide toothy grin on his face looking down on everyone in the main room of the mansion. with curiosity he walks down the stairs as the other cloaked people move out of way of his path. he approaches Zeno and the other two cloaked people.

"what do we have here?~" the mysterious man said with interest in his tone "i think we found a perfect vessel for Azrares!"one cloaked person said happily "so it would seem" the mysterious man said with scary look on his face " shall we start the ritual leader?" the other cloaked person said

" yes we shall start preparations." the "leader" said "Velseb! i need you to do something for me." the leader yelled to someone as he walked away. then the two cloaked people started to drag Zeno to the center of the room. the entire time Zeno was taking in everything since he couldn't speak/scream that's all he could do other than panic. Zeno was sat on the floor in the middle of the room and restrained there so he couldn't move while the cloaked people drew strange symbols on the floor around him with chalk all Zeno could do was watch.

what seemed like hours later the leader comes back into the mansion with a very large cloaked figure carrying a large bag of sorts it looked like it had blood on it. "are you sure i can eat this?" the large cloaked person said in a Sothern accent "yes I'm sure, we need it for the vessel"  said the leader " alright, fine" the large cloaked person said with a sigh of defeat and walks off after leaving the bag on the ground next to the leader.

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