light among the darkness

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Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey guys! (hehe funny reference) how are all of you? heres another chapter for you, enjoy :) (sorry if its a bit cringy)



I woke up with the sun in my eyes and my back hurt like hell, i look around a notice I'm in the mansion. i go to get up but i hear a soft groan from my chest. i look down and see Zeno, then i remember last night and sit back down and continue to look at him...then he groans again and shifts around a bit on me then he opens his eyes.


"huh? what time is it?" i ask tiredly opening my eyes slowly and looking around and taking in my soundings, then i remember were i am...then i look up and see bob just smiling down at me " oh! hi bob..."i say awkwardly " good mornin' Zeno" bob replied happily. i look at him and try to smile back awkwardly (this sounds familiar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and bob chuckles at this his chuckling kinda shook me cuz i was still laying on his chest/stomach 'oh yeah I'm still laying on him' i thought then i try to get up but before i do bob stated to pet my head and i for some reason melted into the petting.

then i did something strange....i started to purr...? ' i can purr?! when could i do THAT???' i thought as bob happily kept petting me, i think he was enjoying the purring... 

I relax some more and then i fall back asleep for a few seconds, then woke up again  when bob got up and sat me down in the corner we were in and walked to the door 'wait were is he doing? i don't want to be alone again!' i think to myself "wait! don't leave me alone!" i call out to bob.

bob turned to me after looking outside for a second then he when back in the room closing the door behind him "don't worry I'm not goin' anywhere" he said with a smile.

bob walked towards me and sat down beside me then he said "i just needed to make sure no one was around so we could talk and make a plan" "make a plan? for what?" i reply "make a plan to bust you out of here" he replies


heyyyyyy so I'm too lazy to write the entire conversation so here's a recap of that i guess.

so bob tolled Zeno that he would keep him here for a few days then he would sneak him out of the mansion and make the others think that Zeno had died because Asrares rejected the form.

but the reason bob wanted to keep him at the mansion is so him and some of the other cult members can watch over him and Asrares just in case if Asrares does reject the form.

but the plan took longer than he wanted and Zeno ended up staying for a few months instead  


TW: abuse, forced transformation, cannibalism

the members of the cult would often beat Zeno to test the temper of his demon and some would do it just for the fun of it. Zeno was also given human sacrifices to consume he would refuse almost all of the sacrifices but sometimes he would be so desperate to eat something he would just take it leaving only the bones after but it wasn't him choosing to eat them it was Asrares, Zeno was not only refusing the offering for himself but he also knew that if he took it, it would make Asrares stronger and he didn't want that to happen so he would starve himself to protect himself in a way thought the cult didn't give him anything else to eat. sometimes bob would sneak in some food but Zeno was too afraid to eat at all, luckily the demon kept Zeno alive.

the leader would sometimes check on Zeno but he would force him to shift and check on the form more that Zeno himself but sometimes he would say things like "you're getting so thin have you not been eating?" or " it seems like Asrares has taken a likening to you, good" or something along those lines.

But bob managed to get Zeno out without to much of an issue

TIME SKIP ONE YEAR BROUGHT TO YOU BY- Boys and Grills "oh nonononono that stuff in the fridge is definitely not human meat!"


Zeno had ignored what happened to him at the mansion for so long he stopped thinking about it and tried to live as normally as he could considering he now had a demon getting cozy in his soul, life for him was pretty normal. though he was very lonely after the the incident, bob and Zeno went separate ways over time. 

Zeno was working overtime to make up for his "absence" so he was very tired 99% of the time, not to mention hungry... so one day he decided to get actual food.

so he went to McDonalds.

when he got to the McDonalds he got in line to order. there was a weird looking guy in front of him the guy had no arms just floating hands with green skin and the guy had curly red hair that shot out from either side of their head like spikes and they were really twitchy like constantly jittering like a maniac, when the guy went up to order he screamed in a really scratchy voice "CAN I GET A CHEESEBUGER???" it hurt Zeno's ears along with everyone else's too.

The weird clown zombie dude leaves with his cheese burger and in the distance you could hear him say "MMMMMM CHEESEBURGER". 

Zeno goes up to the counter to order then he recognizes the guy behind the counter.


'thank the stars that guy left...what was the name of the porno i watched last night?' i thought spacing out then i hear a familiar voice greet me, "oh! hello, nice to see you again" Zeno said to me WAIT ZENO?! "O-OH uh Hi NiCe to see YoU aGain" i reply nervously and he chuckles softly and smiles down at me.  "uh so how can i help you?" i ask him nervously "oh, mhh can i just get a [insert order here] please?" he asks "o-ok that'll be [insert total here]"i tell him "ok" he replied as he set some cash down on the counter in front of me, i take the cash and put it in the register then give him his change and his receipt "thank you again Dannie" Zeno said with a soft smile on his face "no problem..." i say blushing and Zeno left to wait for his food.

time skip a few minutes- brought to you by the huantiest of houses ft. Streber

TW: swearing

i call out an order and then Zeno came up to me/the counter "h-here you go" i say handing him his food then i think 'this is my chance to get his number!' before i give him his food i say "b-but its g-gonna cost you!" i half yell at him ' what am i thinking this is stupid! he already paid for the food' "huh? but i already paid..." Zeno said sounding disappointed "u-uh yeah but i need something more f-from you!" i say rolling with my own stupidity "ok?" he replied " ima need your number there h-hot stuff" 'HOT STUFF!? THE FUCK DANNIE!?!?' i think to myself "o-oh! uh o-ok" Zeno replied clearly flustered the he took out a piece of paper and wrote down his phone number and handed it to me with a red face, i was blushing just as much as he was as i took the paper form him and handing him his food " t-thanks, uh i guess ill call you some time??" i say nervously "y-yeah can't wait!" Zeno replied "uh, see you later i suppose" Zeno said as he started to leave "y-yeah see ya!" i yell back as he leaves.


aand that's it for this chapter i hope you liked it and sorry it took so long to come out i have been going through some stuff as of late and i have had some really bad writers block so it all kinda piled up but now i finally finished this chapter!

i hope to see you in the next one! Bye! <3

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