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hey guys just FYI all the photos on the top of the story relate to the story just in case you didn't catch it Lol, anyway lets get this story going!

TW: isolation, panic attack, etc.



Zeno reluctantly took the cloak and put it on struggling to get it over his new horns, the cloak was a bit big on him and the top was a bit ripped form Zeno's horns but it was warm...he sat underneath the big window at the back of the room he was thrown into, it had a clear view of the stars...he didn't want to look at the stars, he started to remember everything that just happened...from the loss of a close friend to the kidnapping then the demon...

and then he realized that he is all alone...



he started to cry... he was shacking hugging himself


"i need someone to check on the vessel" i say hoping someone would volunteer "I'll watch 'em sir" Velseb said "very well then" i replied. i watch Velseb walk up the stairs and into the room were the vessel is being held.


I walk into the room where the vessel is and see him huddled up under the window, i walk into the room more and hear him quietly whimpering and sniffling 'poor guy' i think to myself walking slowly towards the vessel he seems to notice me and scoots away into the corner of the room " whoa relax kiddo I'm not gonna hurt ya' " i try to comfort him he seemed to relax a bit but he is still shacking, i try to get closer to him but he starts to breath heavily now i notice the teal glow in his eyes i stop moving and sit on the floor in front of him cuz i don't want to scare him.


Zeno starts to panic as the large cloaked person (bob) walks up to him, Zeno stars hyperventilating as the room disappears as bob approaches him getting closer and closer then bob stops a few steps away from Zeno, Zeno was scratching at the wall behind him.

"its alright, i promise I'm not here to hurt'cha" bob said softly, Zeno tried to calm down as much as he can and just looks at bob nervously. "there you go~" bob says softly as he reached a hand out to Zeno, Zeno slowly took his hand and looked at him making sure he wasn't going to do something. bob took of his hood reveling himself to Zeno then carefully brought Zeno closer to himself, he brought Zeno into a hug.

Zeno started to panic a bit thinking bob was gonna hurt him but calmed when he realized he was being hugged.


'why is this so nice? i don't know this guy yet i trust him, why?' i thought 'why am i so comfortable?' 'I'm not alone i?' i thought then out of pure emotion alone i hug the big man back.


i was just hugging the vessel when i feel him hug back...then i feel him shake again. i look at him and see him griping onto my cloak and hiding his face in it, he's crying,

i don't blame him though he just went through something awfully traumatic so i wanna be there for i let him cry.

after a little while he stopped crying and was just hugging me. 'maybe i can try and talk to him now' i thought "hey you doin' ok there bud?" i ask him "mhm" he replies with a hum "uh, say what's your name?" i ask trying to start a conversation "i-i'm Zeno" he tells me

"well, its nice to meet you Zeno my name is bob" i reply 'Zeno' looked up at me for a second then nuzzled his face into my chest it was kinda cute, in a cat way. now that he was more relaxed i could see him a bit better, he had dried up blood on his horns and tail and he had very tired looking eyes like he was crying way before all this madness it was depressing to see him so torn down which made me wonder 'what happened to him before all this?'

"hey Zeno?" i ask then he looks up at me waiting to hear what i had to say "can i ask you somethin'?" i ask and he nods "can i know what happened to ya before all this?" Zeno just looks at me for a minute then hides his face in my chest again "its ok if you don't want to say-" "n-no its ok i just need a second" he interrupts me then he sighs "I was walking home after a rough fight with a close friend, as i was heading home these two cloaked figures garbed me and dragged me into a bush and tied me up now i have these scars on my neck...the ritual sorta sped up the healing prosses and it scared..." Zeno said softly "oh I'm sorry to hear that bud" i reply

"its ok...not much i can do now..."Zeno says sadly, i felt really bad so i hugged him a bit harder but not enough to hurt him, he nuzzles into the hug then he starts to shake again i then his horns and tail retract with a bit of blood coming out if the holes they left but the holes close up on there own after a second. Zeno was whimpering from the pain and i tried to comfort him by petting his hair, it seemed to do the trick, he stopped shacking and relaxed again 'i want to get him out of here he doesn't deserve this pain' i think to myself.

a few seconds later i notice that Zeno had fallen asleep, i scoot myself into the corner of the room and rest on the wall just holding Zeno i can feel myself smile a bit seeing him sleeping comfortably on me.

then i hear the door open and someone step in... it was the leader

" Velseb....what are you doing?" the leader asked me "uuuuuh....doing what? heheh" i ask nervously while hiding Zeno a bit "ok? well whatever THIS is i don't want to see it again next time.." the leader said then he left closing the door behind him. i look back to Zeno who was now curled into a ball, still asleep but it sorta seemed like he sensed the leaders presents... oddly enough.

while i just look at Zeno i think 'i'ma get cha outa here, i promise'


Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long to come out but it is here now lol, anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i hope to see you in next one. Have a nice day/night <3

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