Mehrama | Chapter 5

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The feelings you get when you come across comments like these are just at a level beyond words. Truly speaking, everyone likes to be appreciated for their hardwork, so do the authors at online platforms.

(PS: This was a comment on Fate's Connection

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(PS: This was a comment on Fate's Connection.)

Anyways, back to the chapter.

(PS: Just changed the age gap between Vedansh and Adyansh to be 11 years apart.)

Mehrama | Nightmare come true
Word Count: 1773

The sun was blaring outdoors, the streets wers hot and arid, cattles were roaming around in the search of food and water as people were busy among their vicious circle of ignorant lifestyle

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The sun was blaring outdoors, the streets wers hot and arid, cattles were roaming around in the search of food and water as people were busy among their vicious circle of ignorant lifestyle.

Do the men on the tea stall know what the brothel owners have been doing? Probably not. Do the men working as labourers in the adjacent building know girls have been kidnapped, sold, trafficked by their own people? Probably yes. What do they do? Nothing much, they try to keep their daughters safe. What about the girls already in the brothel? Why aren't they helping them to gain freedom from all the vicious cycle they got into? Because that's none of their businesses. What expectations would the people have if they come to know about their missing young daughters being held captive at any kind of brothel with no idea about which city they are in? They'll expect people around the brothel to help them escape.

Then why the fuck are people being hypocrites!

Vedansh laid their with his head on his mother's lap as she kept reading her file in her left hand and stroking Vedansh's hair with the right.

"What has been bothering you baby?" He heard his mother ask. "Just the society, mumma. Its full of bloody hypocrites!" He expressed his inner turmoil in a single sentence. "They don't want anyone to even look at their daughters but won't leave a single chance of touching woman on the streets. They want their wives to be faithful to them but they visit the brothel at the end lf every week. They want people to help them as a society if the girls of their family get into trouble but they won't even speak a word against the atrocities in the streets. Ye nahi chahte ki koi inke maa behen ke taraf aakh uthakar bhi dekhe par baaki sabki maa behen karke rakhni haj inhe."

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