Sayonee | Epilogue

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Sayonee | Epilogue
Word Count: 1500

Sayonee | EpilogueWord Count: 150008/03/2023

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Ved Shrivastav

Waking up to the sound of something sizzling and a burnt odour surrounding the bed room, I jolted up on the bed. Allowing my eyes to run around the room to make sure that one maniac woman I crazily care about is safe. Finding the room empty, the thought of my heavily pregnant wife being in the kitchen as a rookie made me panic.

Sprinting out of the room and into the kitchen, I found her pouting at, what seems to be semolina's burnt figure.

"What are you doing in the kitchen, Ruh? Were you hungry? Did I wake up late by any chance?" I looked around to the clock hanging on the wall opposite to the kitchen. I wasn't late.

"I wasn't hungry. I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed." She pouted. I sighed and walked upto her. Taking the burnt pan from her hold I put it into the sink and let cold water run over it. Pulling Ruhani out of the kitchen, I untied her apron and cleaned whatever white powdery substance she had allowed to creep up on her cheeks.

Cupping her cheeks, I pecked her pouty lips before locking her stray hair strands behind her ears.

"You have been taking care of me for so many months. I just wanted to surprise with breakfast in bed. I couldn't evem do that properly." Ruhani whined making me chuckle.

"To humein bata deti, mera bacha. Hum bana dete kuchh. Tum de deti surprise Ved ko." We heard a motherly tone behind them. Kanchan Shrivastav. My mother had been discharged from the institution about an year back for good and ever since then she has been living with us. She makes sure Ruhani does not miss her family too much in my absence and takes care of my pregnant wife. While Ruhani finds a second mother in my mother, she is no less than a daughter for my mother.

"That's not how it works, Maa. I wanted to surprise you both." Ruhani answered. "We can order something online though. No cooking for today." Ruhani suggested.

"Absolutely not. You have your due date in the next two weeks and it's not good for you to have junks in your system. You won't be able to sleep and have acidity problems too." My mother scolded her.

They continued their banter as I stood their smiling. I was a loner for majority of my life and now I have everything I could possibly dream of. All thanks to the angel beside me. I have a family of my own. My mother, my wife and my upcoming child. Even if hell goes wrong, I know I'll find them by my side, forever.

Ruhani's phone rang in the living room. I sauntered towards the designated place for it would take a little extra efforts for her to reach over there.

Arun bhai...

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