Mehrama | Chapter 6

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Get me my own freaking Vedansh!

Mehrama | Her Past
Word Count: 1900

The cold arid wind continued to slap through their faces as the car rolled on the concrete roads of Jaipur smoothly

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The cold arid wind continued to slap through their faces as the car rolled on the concrete roads of Jaipur smoothly. It was around seven in the evening as Vedansh was deep in his thoughts.

"Be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you desire." He remembers his father's principle. It wasn't a total failure. His parents were a living proof of its success. Is this the moment where he gets his share of success too? May be. May be not. Looking at his left, he sighed at the sight of his love spacing out while her eyes glanced out of the window. She was breathing but she wasn't living. She flinched at the slightest sounds.

"You remember me?" Vedansh asked her softly. Prisha nodded her head as her eyes remain widened. "I can't remember your name but you were the royal kid back in the college." Her voice was corse but still it satiated Vedansh's heart.

"Well, I am Vedansh Singh Rathore." He introduced. His conscience mocked him about his love not being able to even remember his name. He royally ignored his conscience.

"Thank you. For everything." She managed to let out. Her eyes were busy taking in his detailed features. His sharp nose, his brown orbs, his hair, his calm eyebrows, everything were so soothing.

"The NGO workers are here." Theh heard the lady constable inform. He noticed Prisha flinching again. She flinched at his arrival too. She was still sensitive to ger surroundings.

"I-I.." Vedansh couldn't find words to explain his inner turmoil. He was panicking at the thought of letting her go again. He wasn't ready to let her go after finally being able to meet her after so many years.

"Prisha." He tried again. Prisha flinched softly yet controlled herself. She hummed out in reply as her huge pretty eyes stared into Vedansh's soul.

"Do you feel even a little safe around me?" He asked her. Prisha shook her head in positive. Vedansh was elated. His heart wanted to do a happy dance.

"Would you like to come with me, to my place?" He asked. He could practically see fear over crowding Prisha's eyes. She was panicking again at the thought of sharing her space with a male. Although she felt safer around Vedansh, he was still a male.

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