Mehrama | Chapter 11

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Mehrama | Finding Pia
Word Count: 1960



That's how Vedansh felt at the thought of Prisha leaving him all by himself, especially after he had made the fact that he loved her since forever, clear, very clear in fact. He could feel all the emotions his father once have felt for Sanskriti. The feeling of being left all alone, confused and broken at the distrust in the former's heart was disastrous.

He has already awaited to get his love back into his life. Now that he had got a second chance to amend his once ruined love story, he couldn't believe he let her go again. On the top of everything, she was still injured. She was still emotionally, physically and mentally vulnerable. She still had nightmares. She still flinched at slightest of sounds and found people and chaos a trigger to panic attacks. Moreover, Lala was still in the city. The police had failed to get him behind the bars even after a couple of months after the incident. She was unsafe. The thought of another mishap awaiting her, churned his stomach. Bile rose to his throat at the mere thoughts of something happening to her yet again. Ousteding the negative part of his conscience, he sauntered through the palatial walls.

Walking frantically towards the west wing again, he was stopped by his grinning sibling.

"Love Shov?" Adyansh wiggled his eyebrows at his brother. In a normal situation, Vedansh would have surely turned red by all the teasings. But at this instance, he wanted nothing more than Prisha by his side.

"Addy not now!" Vedansh cried out. "On a serious note, Bhabhi is on the terrace, weeping her guts out." Adyansh resolved his brother's misery. Giving him a grateful hug, he quickly sprinted through the stairs and towards the terrace.

There she stood, at the edge of the terrace. Her shoulders raised and fell as soft sobs were echoing through the walls. Her clutch on the railing was tight as the sun continued with his routine to burn anything and everything in front of him. Her once neatly plaited hair was flowing with the gust of the wind. Her once clean and white sleeves of the top she wore was now covered with tears and snouts. She was frantically trying to let all the overwhelming feelings of loosing Vedansh out.

"I am so stupid! So stupid! So damn stupid!" She cried out. "Why can't these heartbreaks end for once and for all?!" She was frustrated. "Why do I even expect things to go the right way?!" Another sob wrecked throughout her vocal chords. Looking up at the sky, she took a few deep breathes. "No! I'll n-not let myself be a hindrance in his life. He deserves better. He deserves her. Not me." She continued consoling herself.

"After waiting for ten freaking years, I think I deserve the best. Don't you agree?" A familiar wanr voice boomed behind her. She didn't flinch this time. She could here the foot steps approaching her but she never turned around.

"You do. You deserve the best. Sameera is the best." She managed to croak out.

"I guess I deserve to pick my definition of best, no?" Vedansh's gaze was destroying her. She replied with a pregnant silence. The chirping of birds lingered in the air.

"I want you to look at me while we are talking, Prisha."

Prisha. No more Pia. Prisha thought. It seemed like he was already moving on. This conversation probably was the official closure of something they never had. She felt bitter and hurt and the feeling of crying overpowered yet again.

Gathering all the shattered courage in her heart, she managed to look up. His brown orbs had a different story to tell. It wasn't devoid of love like she had predicted, his eyes weren't cold by her unsaid rejection, they weren't stoic by the chronological happenings.

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