Chapter 5: laughs and learning something new

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We're on the second floor now and I'm still a little shaken up by the whole Alex and his creepy smile thing... What was it that he had said again?... "I'll get you back in the future!" Oh yeah... Maybe that's why he gave me that look... He's planning something and it's not gonna be good.
Cry stops in his tracks and I bump into his back which makes me jump out of my daydream in a flash. "Whoa why'd you stop? Are you ok?" I say backing away from him a little "yeah it's just that you seem out of it, ever since you saw that guy or whatever you've been spacing out and all distant and stuff" he says while turning around "uh... Nah I'm just tired and I haven't been feeling good, really I'm fine so don't worry about it Cry" I try to sound reassuring "mmm... M'kay if you say so, I guess I'll leave it at that"
Next thing I know Cry is opening up an classroom that hasn't been used in forever, he walks in first and then me after as he shuts the door with a light creek before turning back to me.
the classroom had a bunch of boxes piled in corners of the room and the board had a bunch of dust on it along with spiderwebs in corners of the room, The windows let in a lot of light so that the place didn't look so dark and scary. They still had all the desks in rows but the chairs were stacked on top of each other in the front of the room, it was as if the place was just abandoned and left like that.
Cry walks over to the chairs stacked up and drags one out to a desk and then another before sitting down in one of them. "Sit." he says commandingly, I do as I'm told and take an seat.
It was pure silence for a full minute and I began to get nervous "So I guess I should tell you about the whole mask business..." He stops abruptly before taking a deep breath "it would probably be easier if I just take it off but..." He bites his bottom lip nervously "I'm not sure of how you'd react and feel... I mean I just met you today and for some odd reason I'm already thinking it's ok to show you my face when I hardly know you.... I don't know it's just something about you... You're different..." "That's a good thing right?" he chuckles a light laugh before speaking again "yeah" he then all of a sudden looks me in the eyes with his mask and I feel like I can see his eyes like as if I can see right through the mask... "You wouldn't run would you?..." He spoke very sadly and soft and it kinda hurt to hear him speak so sad I haven't heard that tone of voice from him so far and it kinda worried me. "W-what do you mean run? Of course not, you saved me back there and so far you seem like a really cool guy" "that's what he said at first until..."
He goes silent and blank and I start to get really worried, what's gotten into him? "Hey are you ok? Of course I wouldn't run, you'd have to be an total asshole to do that" and then at the snap of fingers he's back to normal "uh yeah sorry about that... I was just thinking" he says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
He gets up from his seat "I don't think I'm ready to tell you yet or uh show you... I'm sorry" "don't be sorry! and it's ok take your time" I say smiling wide. I decide that I should get up too and we both end up just leaving the chairs before heading out of the classroom.
I look at my phone as Cry shuts the classroom door behind me "3:46, I should get home, I have to do some chores and homework" I say "yeah me too" we head down the second floors stairs when me being the dumb clumsy type, trip on my own two feet and start to fall forward, oh no... This isn't gonna be good I say to myself as I begin to close my eyes tight, preparing for the worst. A hand reaches out and grabs my waist and pulls me back and onto the floor.
I slowly open my left eye, then my right before realizing that Cry had pretty much saved me from breaking a bone or two. I then also realize that I'm laying on him and I stumble to my feet quickly "oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you ok? God why do I have to be so clumsy you idiot!" I say scolding myself and face palming my face with a loud slap.
Next thing I know Cry starts chuckling from below before getting up "hm? Wait why are you laughing? Oh no! Wait are you crying?!" He cries louder "no hahahahahahah! I'm laughing at you! Hahahaha! it's funny how you scold yourself and talk to yourself like that" I soon find myself laughing along with him until we both settle down and quit our laughing.
"So are you ok?" I ask "well are you ok? I mean you almost fell down a flight of stairs, and that wouldn't have been pretty" I laugh a bit at that "yeah I'm good thanks to you" I say smiling brightly.
"Hey um... I'm sorry about earlier... I was just thinking..." He goes quiet "uh no don't worry about it, I understand so don't worry about it" he looks back up at me "if I show you my face do you think you'll run? Can I trust you to not run?" his breathing picks up a little and he seems like he's stressing out about something "no of course not, look I could care less about how you look ok? Well I care but not- no like- ugh it's hard to explain but I definitely wouldn't run away, I promise."
He takes a deep breath before looking around "uh- lets just go.... Uh look! There's an bathroom lets just go there first" he says while pointing "I don't feel safe doing it out in the open, someone could see" I just nod and follow.
As we step in he lets go of the handle and the door closes itself with a loud slam. We walk into one of the stalls at the very end "ok...*sigh* here we go..." He slowly grabs the mask by the front, but realizes it has a tie in the back so he reaches behind his head to untie it while his other hand is holding the front so that it doesn't fall off right away.
He goes still before he slowly moves the mask down his face, his hair shows first, it was a dirty blonde and I just wanted to touch it cause it looked so soft.
Next his forehead came then his two eyes... He had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, they were a light blue... just so crystal clear and I could stare into them forever. His nose came second and it was so cute and small, perfect actually, and then his chin was revealed... But I then realize why he's so scared to show his face... He has an huge scar that runs along his whole left cheek all the way to his jaw line.
He must've gotten into some bad accident..."I know... I'm ugly... I'm surprised that you haven't even run away yet..." "I would never run away...and you're not ugly.... No where near" he looks surprised and actually blushes a very light pink "uh d-do you mind if I...uh-" "yeah go ahead" he read my mind.
I slowly and hesitantly reach my hand up, towards his left cheek where the scar was. I place my hand on the top and slowly trace it down his face stoping near his nose and lips.
Before I know it Cry is leaning in towards my face while slowly closing his eyes, I don't know what to do so I just lean in some too until our lips meet. He presses his lips a little harder onto mine and begins to move them in a rhythm that I soon go into as well, he starts to suck on my bottom lip and then my top while his hands are holding my cheeks so soft and delicately in place. A moan escapes my lips and I realize what's happening and pull away quickly, my face feeling hot "uh! oh my god I'm so sorry! U-u-uh um... I have to go... I'm sorry I don't know what got I-Into me..."
He grabs my arm a little "no it was my fault I'm sorry... Please don't hate me..." Too embarrassed to say anything more I decide to head out, I push the stall open and start to speed walk out of the bathroom and I look in the mirror as I had walked to see Cry not even moving in the stall and my face as red as a tomato...
   "Ugh what am I gonna doooo?!" I say to myself while walking out of the school and towards home. Maybe I shouldn't have left him like that... I feel really bad, he must've been really upset... Ughhhhh! I shake my head and put my fingers to my lips while thinking. He was really good... I start to daze off, remembering the whole kissing scene.
  I shake my head again and put my hands back at their sides and continue on my journey towards home sweet home where I can finally sleep and forget this whole thing...
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