Chapter 4: The Past

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Authors note: hey everyone I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever I just have been soooo busy with school and I was thinking of not finishing the story since it kinda sucks but I've decided that I will continue with it anyways so here we go! :)
I follow Cry down the hallways and we turn left and then right but when we turn around the right corner I freeze in my tracks standing stupefied... It was the bully again... His name was Alex and he hates me and I think I know why...

~*Flash Back*~

I was a freshman fishy in high school... And there was a really cute guy that I had a crush on... he was perfect, he was smart, charming, muscular, and very attractive. He was basically everything anyone could ever want. Even his name was good too... John... and I wasn't the only one that had eyes on him...
  I was watching them practice playing football after school on the stadium and of course John was doing amazing. "Hey quit drooling over there!" I jerked immediately and looked away. It was some random boy that had yelled from a small distance but I just decided to ignore him.
   Practice was about over anyways and I decided that I'd confess today, so I got up and walked down the steps and onto the track towards the locker room, I stopped just outside of it.
      All the boys were all hyped up and yelling as they all ran in proud of how they had practiced today. I waited and about 15 min. Later the boys filed out one by one but I didn't see John yet... That's weird... Maybe he's just running late or something? with that I laid back against the brick wall staring up into the sky. It was getting dark by now and you can see the moon beginning to come out in the distance with the sun fading.

I hear footsteps coming from the locker room Yes I think it's him! I stand up straight, away from the wall now. John pops his head out and see's me. He stops for 5 seconds before he starts walking again and gives me a small smile as he does. "W-Wait!" Oh boy, here I go... "Uh- um... I wanted to uh... Tell you something."
    He turns towards me "uh ok sure, I have time" I take a small breath and fiddle with my hands "I uh... I-I..." I go quiet, too embarrassed to speak and look down before looking back up into his eyes with some hope "I Really like you!" I practically blurt it out and I quickly cover my mouth with my hands and I begin to feel my face warm up. •>_<•
    he goes quiet for who knows how long before he begins to move his mouth "well... I don't know what to say... Uh... Im flattered... But, I'm sorry I like someone else at the moment..." My heart immediately sank at those words... "Uh no... Don't worry about it I just needed to tell you..." I look down and don't look back up."I'm sorry for uh... Bothering you and ya know... Wasting your time...."
     It's pure silence for a while before I take a few steps back "uh... Bye" I say, almost a whisper now. I turn around on my heals and walk in the opposite direction, my feet making odd noises as I walked. I didn't dare turn to look back but I could've sworn I felt someone watching me from behind... I could feel their eyes burning into my back.

   I continued to walk and walk not really caring where I went, I was far past the stadium by now and I think I was going towards my house, I didn't care at the moment. I felt a raindrop drop onto my nose and I stopped in my tracks to wipe it off and look up into the now dark sky. It soon began to start raining "just when I thought it couldn't get any worse" I whisper to myself. I look back down to see a boy about my age, no younger.
     "so you confessed I see... You're such a dumb ass to think that he would actually like you back, I bet he knew you liked him all along. I mean c'mon you were making it so obvious when you would stare for too long or start drooling" it was then that I had realized that (I done fucked up... Lol jk this isn't the time for joking I just couldn't help myself XD) he was the guy that had yelled at me earlier in the stadium... That asshole!
      "Why were you watching you creeper? Huh? Do you like him or something? like why do you even care so much? You jackass" he was starting to really piss me off "and what if I do like him?... I have a better chance at getting him then you ever will" I knew it. I honestly don't have time to deal with this asshole I'm already depressed enough... I start walking again but past him.
      He seems shocked that I would walk past him and he grabs the hem of my sweatshirt at the last second "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" he yells "home you dumbass, I don't have time to deal with your bullshit right now so fuck off" with that he knocks a punch into my left cheek and I fall in that direction and onto the cold wet concrete.
      I grab my cheek and start to get back up when he knocks another punch into my right cheek "you're gonna pay for saying that!" He knocks another punch and then another, one after the other and I soon began to taste blood and my cheeks start aching and stinging. He stops and begins to breath heavily in place with a crazed look in his eyes.
        I take this chance and sock him in the face 4 times knocking him to the ground to where I'm on him now. "It hurts doesn't it? How does this feel?" I scream and knock some more punches into his now bloody face. It starts to rain harder and the blood from his nose drips onto the concrete staining the water with a dark red. I get up from him and begin to continue my walk limping and holding my right cheek as I do.
      "I'll get you back in the future and you'll regret it!" He screams from the floor behind me. I stop walking for a few seconds and then continue my walk  home not caring.
"Hey...heeeey...HEY!" Cry snaps his fingers in front of my face and I jerk in place and start realizing where I'm at again. "What's gotten into you? Are you ok?" "Uh yeah... Sorry I was spacing out" I say nervously.
I look back to the boy, or Alex, he notices me staring and looks up at me... I look away quickly but I could still feel him staring. I look back up at him as he mouths something terrifying " M-I-S-S--M-E-? "He smiles. With that he begins to walk away with some guy that he was talking to. "Hey are you sure you're ok? You look kinda pale" I don't answer for a few seconds before responding "yeah uh... I'm fine. Lets just continue" I say walking out in front of him down the school halls, he begins to follow not saying a word...
-------------Authors Note ----------------
Hey, again I'm so sorry for the long Long wait but I'm back so yeah, let's get to it! :)~<3 Vote,  and Comment plzzz, thank youuu~<3

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