Madam President

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The next morning, both he and I were preparing to train under the Commission. I woke up early to get the early sunrise while he slept the whole morning away. I could understand why since he just arrived this morning, but if he was going to stay here, he needed to work around here. As best as I could, I grabbed a morning meal for two and brought it to his bed with my wing. His nose started to twitch as he smelled the morning food.

"Morning Keigo. Up already?"

He started to yawn as he stretched his body out completely. It was too cute to see his little wingspan began to stretch out widely from bedpost to bedpost. As he slowly got up from his bed, he noticed how the breakfast menu was porridge with strips of bacon and eggs and a side of orange juice. Keigo looked at me concerning the menu selection.

"What? Were you expecting a slob from a pigsty or something?"

He shook his head completely. It was much of a surprise for him, that was all.

"No worries, kid. The Commission doesn't do anything like that anyway. If anything, it would've been much worse than before."

I turned to the side to look at him as he placed his hands together, giving thanks for the meal. He started to eat fast, but I held his fork down for a moment.

"Don't eat so fast," I remarked calmly. "You'll end up with a tummy ache."

He stopped and started to eat slowly. Just when he finished eating, the Commission came inside the rooms as I stood next to him.

"YN, you may be dismissed for now. You have your training to do."

I bowed and started to leave, but he held on to my shirt lightly. Looking behind me, he was starting to shake. There was a hint of concern in my eyes, and I knew what had to be done.

"If I may, Ms. President," I suggested, "may he join me for practice today? His skill levels are similar to mine, if not better. I can learn a thing or two from him."

The President looked at him and back to me.

"Do as you want." agreed the President as they left for their duties.

I was excited as we both left for the training grounds. Since then, we both worked hard to the point that we were working together in harmony. Both of our wings were working as hard as we expected. It was if no work was ever done after we finished our daily training.

One day, as we both prepared to practice our daily training, the President came to the door to discuss the next level of our training.

"I'm afraid, due to the different skill sets we have for your quirks," the President apologized, "both of you need to work on separate training programs from now on."
"But Ms. President," I countered, "we can't split just yet. We've worked very hard on our quirks to the point that we can be considered equal."
"I'm sorry, YN, but we can not let you work together any longer. Keigo has to work on his Fierce Wings quirk while you are with your angelic quirk. That's what the Hero Society needs."
"B-but-" I began to protest but was stopped when his hand held my sleeve.
"It's okay, YN." Keigo assured me, "I'm okay to work on my own."
"You sure?"
"Yep. I'm ready to work on perfecting my skills as a hero!"
"See, YN? He's okay to work on his own."

Even though I knew he was putting on a brave face for me, I had to agree. I can't let him stay at my level forever. He needs to expand his skills to the horizon. I sighed and agreed as the President took Keigo away, moving him to the farthest room of the Agency. Even though I tried to feed him food whenever he failed to eat, Keigo improved his skills day after day. However, my skill was not even close enough to pro for me to be considered as the top gun of the agency. That was when I started to study skills than my quirk was able to handle. I thought that if I couldn't master my original quirk to it maximum effort, maybe I could tweak it to the point that it could be useful.

Years later, as I was walking to the door office of the Hero Safety Commission, I saw a familiar strange boy who grew up so fast. His vibrant red wings were so clean and slick like a new car wax. His messy ash-blonde hair, which was all over the place, but clean at best. He was wearing the nicest tan jacket and those glamorous golden-looking sunglasses.


He looked at me with a smirky look in his eyes.
Without thinking, both of us hugged as if it's been years since we last saw each other.

"YN? Man, look at you. I can barely recognize you."
"It has been so long. How has the hero business been with you?"
"I've been selected as the top ten in the Pro Hero Billboard Chart."
"Wow! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks! And what about you? How have you been?"
"Well, I'm going to speak with Commissioner now to see if I'm qualified to work with you."
"Really? Well, I'm giving you the best of luck! The last few times, you kept telling me they denied your request, but this time, for sure!"
"Thanks for calling me out on that!"
"No problem! I'm just trying to keep your cool focused!"
"Great. Just try not to get lucky with the ladies out there!" I joked.
"Aw, come on, now." Keigo boasted, "You know how I am with the ladies. They just can't seem to get their hands off of me."

As soon as he was out of sight, my mood changed from the friendly figure who failed a hero licensing exam to a serious individual as I knocked at the door.

"It's Tenshi."

The silence drew for a moment from the door.

"Enter." the voice finally called out.

Just as I opened the door, there stood Madam President and her assistant waiting for me to arrive. I entered inside with a collective temper as they expected and waited for them to speak right away.

"We've been expecting you, Tenshi." Ms. President spoke. "What took you so long?"
"Apologies for not arriving at your best time, Ms. President. Please forgive my lateness."
"Granted. You know why you are here, correct?"
"Yes, Ms. President. What are your orders?"

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