Deal with a Devil

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**Disclaimer: there will be cursing and a bit of spiciness. Younger audiences beware.**

Dragging me in an abandoned alleyway, I remained silent. He ripped half my wing already, what more could this villain want? As he pushed me down aggressively, I looked at him in anger.

"What do you want, Dabi?"
"Ho! You recognized my name already?"
"How can I not? You were the one who told me to remember it when you incinerated my wing off."
"Yeah... Sorry about that. Speaking of which, how's it healing by the way?"
"...fuck you."

He chuckled lightly.

"You know, this is the very reason I liked about you. You seem to have a fiery temper. Something, if willing, I can deal with."
"Ha! Boy, you know I am older than you!"
"But where's the fun?"
"Just tell me why I'm here!"
"Straight to the point, I like that. My boss requires hiring some recruits for a cause and from what I'm told: you have the best crew in Japan."
"Why would my crew have to do with a cause? They're not like you."
"Oh? And stealing behind your back isn't a cause."
"...they... they wouldn't."
"See for yourself."

Providing a video feed of when I left, the crew I designated started stealing the people's wallets and valuables, leaving behind fakes. It didn't make sense. I specifically told them never to do that. Unless...

"Looks like your crew isn't the only one lying here."

I fell toward the floor, defeated.
How can they do such a thing?

"So, you either bring me the crew and tell them they'll be under my command...."
"Or I destroy what you hold dear."

On cue, the door opened as a bird was stuck in a cage.
Seeing my face, they tried to fly towards me.


The bird tried to speak, but Dabi placed his blue flame close to the cage.

"No! Leave her alone! She's got nothing to do with this!!"
"Oh, but she does."

Getting closer to burn her in the cage, I had to think of something better.


He stopped midway, as the fire was about to simmer her.

"How about a deal?"

He looked at me, turning off the flames.

"I'm listening."
"How about... I work under you?"
"Go on."
"I have access to the talk to both the commission and the number 2 hero. If you let her go, I can get you to talk to one of them without any involvement with the police."
"If I release her, you will obey my every whim. No questions asked?"

I knew this was a risky move, but this must be done.
Dabi, who knew I wouldn't agree without cause, had decided to release the bird from its cage.
As it flew away, I sighed with relief.
That was until he threw a blue flame and hit her.

"Karasu!" I cried out, holding her.
"Leave the poor brat to die."
"You told her you'll release her!" I growled in anger, placing an angelic dagger near his neck.
"I did as you instructed, but you never said, she goes safe without a scratch."
"It was never about the principle of things, is it?"
"Now, you're catching on. Come on!"

Pulling me by my arm, I looked back at Karasu's burned body and disappeared into the night, doing whatever Dabi wanted. As I was gone, a small portal opened, pulling her in from another location.

"Oh... Kara..." Khan spoke quietly.
"Khan, give her to me!" Toru commanded.

He handed her to Toru as she grabbed a white feather.

"What are you doing with that?"
"Gabe did say we can use her wing for an emergency. This does qualify as an emergency."

Activating its power, Karasu's birdy body was reversing the damages to her former glory.

"Kara?" Khan asked.

She woke up, transformed back into a human, and looked around, finding any burned marks on her body.

"Don't worry, Karasu." Toru assured her, "We used Gabe's emergency wing to restore your health."
"Right, now, where's Leon?"
"In his office, why?"
"I need to talk to him: fast!"

Running as fast as she could, she pulled the curtain to talk to him.

"Karasu, what's the problem now?"
"I just got word from Luci. She's made it in."

He looked over to confirm what she said was true.
When she said yes, he stood up from his seat.

"So he was fooled by the cameras after all." he laughed, "Gabe, you son of a bitch."
"What do you mean?"
"Before Gabe left, they mentioned that they were going to get into contact with the League of Villains. Once they do, it's phase three time."
"Wow. She knew?"
"That's why we used her feather from my pocket: facade."
"Oh... so that's why she gave us that feather. So she can get in without any consequences."
"Yes and if they caught that, then they have to make her believe we're a part of a villainous scheme."
"You play that part way too well, Leon."
"Well, once you play your cards well enough, you can win every chance you get."
"You lose at cards."
"I know that. I was using it as a metaphor. Give me a break! So, where's she now?"
"Well, Dabi was taking her somewhere, but I don't know where."
"Wait a second. Dabi?"
"Yeah... why?"

He froze in panic.

"He's the one who put her in that coma all those years ago. The one who ripped out her wing."
"Wait. How'd you know that?"
"It doesn't matter how I know, but she cannot be in that same room with that guy. Who knows what could be happening to her right now?"


Meanwhile, Dabi was getting some fresh air to see the view from where he stood.

"For an angel, you're not as bad as I expected. I should've taken you years ago if you were that good."

I laid on the broken-down bed he sat on, half covered by a blanket and wing.

"So.... am I in?"

He glanced at me firmly then turned to the sea.

"Sure. Why not? Bring me the number two pro hero when I call for you."
"I'll try my best."

Crawling right towards me, I knew he had that devilish look in his eyes.

"But if I find out you've double-crossed us, I'll make sure that back has a matching burn mark on your back."
"If it helps, take my wing. You'll know if I'm double-crossing or not."
"Nah. I'll trust you. Besides, based on tonight's performance, I'll make that wing fly further again and again."

Kissing me aggressively on the lips, he pressed me down, making sure I'd remember his deal one way or another.


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