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I've noticed on one of my TikTok comments that the story is getting confusing as it comes along but trust me: there is a reason behind it. But if you guys need clarification, I'll tell as best as I can without spoiling, but just in case:


You, as an angel, have been taught to put your emotions to the side for the sake of a mission, so in order for it to play your part as a double agent, you hid your emotions away to a heart shaped gem in your essence chest. Which is why your emotions sometimes appear and you ache as much from time to time. And each time when your emotions go out of control, your heart gem starts to crack. Which can become difficult to control and hold in when things are out of control.

Regarding up to the latest chapter, you are still under the mission to find All for One, but the capture was part of the setup to ensure Hawks wasn't suspicious of your sudden disappearance that day. When you were captured by the doctor and Dabi ripping your wing completely, you came across the singing group you grew up with as they help you recover fully from your missing wing. However, due to your misdemeanor, some members group that helps you out are actually agents from the commission portrayed as vigilantes. Not all, but a few.

As for Dabi and you on that night in the chapter "Deal With the Devil", he has agreed to let you in the league of villains to fight for the cause for Stain if you and Hawks were a part of the team. Though you haven't said anything to Hawks about the plan nor Dabi about your double agent part, you agreed in a more... intimate matter. Does that make you and Dabi a couple? Probably not. But it does help you get your steam off after seeing Hawks hang out more with Miriko.

Speaking of which, Miriko and Hawks are not a thing. Nope.
You, Hawks, and Miriko met each other during your younger years, but those two became close friends after you disappeared, but you didn't know that. In your head, you thought he moved on without even thinking of you. But in his, they're nothing more than friends.

Also, if you are wondering how Tokoyami fits in this matter, he sees both sides of the wing's perspective: the good and bad of the commission's goals. Where one seeks freedom to do as they see fit while the other seeks peace for balance to be handled. He will understand and go from there. And yes, he will ask about this matter with Midoriya throughout his internship days.

Do the Commission know about your double life even after the current mission was on hold? Yes. They saw your performance more than one time, but they don't take action to it, until "Operation: Double Agent".

What about the members from the group? Do they know about your double life as a hero?
Yes and no. The only one who knows about your double life as a hero is Leon because you informed him about it and Karasu, because of her eavesdropping habit. However, not all of them know about it.

How does the group have your feathers if you only have one wing?
Unlike Hawks' feathers where they return back to its owner, your feathers are like your hair, once plucked two more will grow from that spot. However, with one wing pulled from my body, it doesn't rejuvenate on the spot.

What about the people from earlier in "Deal or No Deal?" What happens to them?
They are safe, don't worry.
Nothing bad happens to them.
After they were sent to slumber, I allowed each member dropped them all home with that one person's quirk, acting like it was all a dream.

How did Dabi capture Karasu?
Out of sheer coincidence, similar to you in "Failed Mission".

Will there be more chapters?
Yes, but writing takes time.
I cannot be a writer, a worker, and a editor all at once.
Please trust the process.
Plus, I'm working on getting Azawrath's Tears on Wattpad since we are close to 15k followers on TikTok.

I think that's all the questions for now...
But if you have more questions you like to ask, place them in the comments below.
And now... back to our regularly scheduled program.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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