Luci's Return??

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Standing underneath the doors of Keigo Takami's agency, Gabriel stood there firm and frightened. Never once in their existence has they ever been in an agency building. Not even before their 'disappearance' many years ago. Taking a deep breath, they slowly went to reach for the door when all of a sudden, another hand touched theirs. Looking at the hand in question, they noticed how small this person's hands were compared to their own. However, as she looked at the person in question, she saw how the person in question had a bird-like shape as a head. Was he a newbie or something?

"Are you expecting to open the door or is examining my hand necessary?"

Surprised by the tone of this person's voice, he must've been raised in a stable home. But he seemed a bit young to be in this agency, unless...

"Fumikage! Glad you could make it!" Keigo smiled, flying down toward our level. "I don't suppose you've met my new assistant: Y/N L/N!"
"It's an honor to see you, L/N Sensei!"
"Y/N, this is my intern Tokoyami Fumikage. He's one of the students from UA."
"Since when do you take interns?"
"Recently after the Sports Tournament."

Not knowing how it happened within the past few years, I nodded indifferently, opened the door, and entered the agency. Tokoyami, who examined the situation, entered next with such caution. As we entered, I looked around to see how long his agency had gone through over the years. By the looks of the awards and plaques, it did look like something he bragged about.

"Show off..." I muttered under my breath.

As I walked away from his valuable trophy stand, he noticed how unsettling I was getting myself into. Realizing that things take time for this new transition, I walked close to her with my wing covering her shoulder.

"You'll be fine," he whispered to me. "Just be you."

Pushing him away from my space, I plucked a feather from my wing and began to sing.

Hearing my tone of voice, Tokoyami finally realized who I was. I was one of the older heroes he looked upon in his childhood: the bright flight hero, Lucifer. Normally, he's not one to gossip, but he messaged a classmate while trying to figure out more about Lucifer and why they're here suddenly. Sadly, that classmate wasn't much help as he spammed his message full of facts and knowledge of pro-hero Lucifer. While not as popular as Hawks, they were known to be very stealthy, yet, helpful amongst the community with their voice. And though they were claimed dead a few years ago, somehow, this Lucifer is back. But why and how?? Concerned about this matter, Tokoyami continued to examine them as Lucifer continued to sing with much power in their wake.

Some interns and sidekicks heard her beautiful song and started to dance along and get their souls energized back to their usual selves. As the song ended, all the interns and sidekicks ran to Lucifer, asking several questions and concerns about her whereabouts.

"Alright, interns!" Hawks called out, using his quirk to provide her the space needed. "Settle down. The whole reason why Lucifer's back is for personal reasons. If any of you have questions about them, come to me. Now, let's get back to work, people!"

Returning to their seats, Lucifer stood there surprised.

"Well, well. I didn't picture you as the leader type, Keigo. I'd picture you as the cool collective type."

"Oh, I am." Keigo remarked, allowing his feathers to return to his wings, "I just don't want them to overdo it when there's a new intern in progress."
"New intern? I'd figure you put me as an assistant or something."
"I would, but you've handled the big jobs before. I'm sure an internship would be something to refresh your mind over."
"Oh, heck no! When you told me I was helping you with this gig, I was promised an assistant or someone of higher authority. Not just some sidekick."
"Watch your tone with me, Luci! You may have returned to do a few hero work, but I am still your superior."
"Oh don't you play the 'I'm your boss' card on me, Keigo! In case you forgot, I am older than you."
"Not as much as I have experienced over here!"
"And you think I don't have experience at all!!"
"Um... guys..." Tokoyami chimed, but failed.
"I have been working my butt off as a hero before you were even ready yourself!"
"At least, I made it in the billboard chart!"
"Oh, so this is just for a popularity contest?!"
"Furthermore, I have not lost any chances of being better than you in combat, in case you forget!!"
"Oh, right: like you can fight me now with less than half of your wings!"

Pushing both of us away from each other with Dark Shadow as their referee, Tokoyami stood there in anger.

"I may not understand why I was sent here, nor do I care. However, having you two fight as children is less likely to become a hero."

Staring at each other angrily, we heard how he kept his composure throughout the conversation. Seeing how angry he became, we calmed down momentarily and apologized to Tokoyami. As Dark Shadow placed them back to their usual spots, Hawks bowed apologetically to Lucifer.

"Seems like I didn't give you a sense of where you were placed when I offered you this gig, Lucifer. And with that, I'm sorry." apologized Hawks, "If it helps, we can go to the Commissioner's office and there, we'll discuss where you'll be placed in my agency."
"Fine." Lucifer sighs. "But if it makes it easier for your company to get me back in the field, then it would make sense for me to apply as your main sidekick."

Confused by this matter, he knew this had to be handled immediately. However, that cannot work if Tokoyami is still in their presence.

"Yo! Tokoyami! We need to postpone the intro to a later day this week."
"Is that a joke?"
"No, I'm serious. Since Luci's back in town, I think it'll be easier to get them back in the reins for a bit. Tell you what: come by tomorrow, and we'll all go out and do our first patrol day. That'll be your orientation for the week."

Sighing with concern, he grabbed his papers and walked towards the train station.
Luci knew that expression all that well.
That was how they felt first when they joined the pro-hero world.
Let's hope nothing bad happens throughout this week. I wondered.
Boy, was I wrong about that!

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