Strange Resemblance

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A year after their passing; I took the role of the Commission's double agent. That way, while looking the best in front of the crowd and going undercover for the villains, I could find the mysteries of their disappearance. Even though they told me she died, there was no way I was ever going to believe that. The only evidence I found that day was an entire angel wing removed from its core, not a body. Which meant only one thing: she was alive somehow, but where was she?

As I was flying away to my next destination one day, I noticed a familiar figure walking down the streets. She wore a hoodie with something humped on the back. Her short black hair reminded me of a beautiful raven. Thinking she was alive, I slowly flew next to her, trying my best to be discreet about it. Realizing she hadn't turned around, I then started to notice a strand of headphones linked to a phone. So, she must be playing music at the time. Just when I was about to reach over her shoulder to get her attention, the phone started to ring in my pocket. I answered:

"Yo! Hawks speaking!" I greeted.
"We need you to come in." the Commissioner ordered, "we have your new assignment ready."
"Oh, come on. Really?" I whined, "But I hadn't rested after my last job yet."
"Hawks, this is serious. It's a matter of life or death for this society."
"Okay. Fine. But don't start the party without me!"

Just when I was about to leave my spot, I left one of my feathers in their pockets and flew away. Maybe if they lead me to them, I will finally get my answers.

*** Reader's POV ***

As the hero in question flew away to his destination, the human looked behind them with their shimmering golden eyes, removing the headphones off of their head. The human in question had black strands at the end of their blonde hair and contained freckles on their cheeks. Noticing that there stood a hero next to them, they took a deep breath for a second. Right when they placed their headphones away, they started to transform in its original form: a yellow crowned bishop. They flew towards their destination: which was a stadium just outside of Tokyo. Everywhere you look, there were some with reinforcement quirks, some with odd quirks unaccepted by society, and a few animal-related quirks. Just as the bird flew down to their location, they reverted back into a human, walking back to their destination. From their point of view, they were preparing for some kind of performance happening for tonight.

"Mornin' Karasu!" a centaur called out.
"Mornin' Toru." Karasu waved.
"Got what I asked for, Kara?" another called out with mechanical arms.
"Yea, a knuckle sandwich, Khan." he joked.

He continued to walk until he reached the trailer located in the middle of the stadium area. As he slowly opened the door and closed it, a human being with one wing was getting themselves ready for the night as their partner was drinking sake for the night. With their bag on the ground, Karasu kneeled to the ground and bowed lightly.

"What news did you bring, Karasu?" the human in question asked.
"My apologies, but the Winged hero might have discovered me during my outings tonight."

The human stopped for a moment, asking to repeat their statement. They did so, which made their partner scare the bird with their bottle. Fearing for them to attack, he covered his eyes, waiting for them to strike. Instead, he felt a hand on his cheek, raising him towards the human's face.

"I understand." The human replied calmly, "Did the hero in question see your face?"
"Not to my knowledge, no."

Unsure if their response is true or not, the human noticed something small wiggling in their pocket. Slowly, they grabbed hold of the feather Hawks left behind. Without uttering another word, they stood up and walked out of the dressing tent and back to their own.

"What the heck? It's not like Gabriel to leave like that, right?" Kara asked.
"I'm not sure." He replied. "I'm going after them."

He followed suit towards their tent, but before he entered, he'd forgotten one important detail. Since Gabriel joined them years ago, no one had ever entered their tent before, and they never allowed anyone to enter, not even Leon. Clearing his throat, he awaited their response.

"My love," he spoke up, "are you okay in there?"

No response.

"It wasn't like you to walk out back there,"


"Is everything okay?"

Before he could enter their tent, they emerged with their performance outfit on them still.

"Prepare Phase 2," were the only words said to Leon, and walked.
"Wait, you can't be serious."
"Aren't I?"
"But we don't know the layout, the security, everything,"
"Not without this," they replied, revealing their feather. "Do what you can without killing anyone, and this feather will keep you all safe."
"Right." He obeyed as he called out several of his crew to prepare.

As they continued to walk towards their destination, they whistled out for Karasu. He flew towards Gabriel's shoulder in his bird form.

"Keep an eye on that hero," Gabriel commanded calmly, "he may know what we're up to if we don't keep track."
"So... follow him?"
"In a way, yes."
"If that's what you wish."

With a flick of their wings, they flew towards Hawks Agency to find any Intel needed.

"Looks like you've made a name for yourself, haven't you, Keigo?" Gabriel spoke to themselves with a smile. "Let's see how much has changed over the years, shall we?"

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