Chapter seven

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The next day my leg was fully healed. I took off the bandage and brought it back to the man. He would probably want his medicine back.

I tried to give it to him, but he just laughed. He had a hearty laugh that filled up the small hut. It made me laugh too, so hard that I was rolling around on the floor. '

I got up, wiping a tear from my eye. But the stranger had stopped laughing. He bent down, picking up a piece of paper. I suddenly recognized it as my picture! The stranger had an amazed look on his face, staring at the picture like it had the secrets to the universe hidden somewhere in it.

I yelled at him, grabbing it back and running.

"Sorry! Come back I'm sorry!" I ran into the hut I was sharing with Lexis. I didn't tell him what happened. I thought he would be mad the stranger saw it.   

  The next few days I just did chores and slept. My leg may be healed, but I lost a lot of sleep.  

On the fourth day Lexis and I were going to visit the stranger, but only to get my Eeyore back.

When we got there I said, "See Lexis there is really a hut and the man is kind" pointing at the makeshift hut.

"Uhh, " Lexis said waiting for me to look. I gasped. All that was there was a tail with velcro.  Pacing around, I tried to think of how to get my Eeyore back.

"You guys like best friends now or something?" Lexis commented at my pacing.

"NO! I just need my EEYORE BBBAAACCKK!"

"Hunter!" Lexis said, not even getting a glance. "Hunter! HUNTER CERRERA!" Finally, I looked at him.

"I've got a plan. We chase the metal animal he owns and ask for it back."

"I will do anything! Let's go."  

  We walked for almost half a day before finding something we called a "thunderpath." It was rocky and hard and metal animals carried people in their bellies on it.

We saw a huge, shiny metal animal down the road. It was eating. The white man fed it through a tube into a circle on its side. He closed a tiny door to the hole and got inside. Lexis and I ran as fast as we could, but the metal animal could run really fast!

' We came to a fork in the Thunderpath. The animal went right, but I knew a shortcut through the forest.

I came out on the other side of the forest, directly on the thunderpath in front of a metal monster. I had no time to jump out of the way. There was a huge screech and the animal turned, crashing into three trees at once!

I ran over, seeing the man bleeding on his forehead from a small gash but otherwise fine. Getting out with his head in his hands, the man walked over. Realizing he couldn't really talk to us, he went over to the busted metal hunk and got out my Eeyore.

"Why is that thing so important, you are not 4 earth-circles old!" Lexis said, annoyed that we went to all that trouble to get a stuffed animal.

"It is the only thing I have left of my parents, like you have your picture," I stated. Turning around, Lexis and I started to turn round.

"Wait!" said the white man in Marubo. We turned back around, surprised he could speak our language. "What are your names?"

"Hunter and Lexis Cerrera," I answered as Lexis opened his mouth then closed it, like a fish. I was too busy laughing at Lexis to notice the man's reaction or hear him.

"My name is Chris. Chris Cerrera," The man said quietly again.

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