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Harry was not in a good mood.

Not only was it a Monday—he absolutely hated Mondays—but he had just found out that one of his employees had been stealing from his company.

After firing the crook, and changing all of his passwords to his computer and business bank accounts, it was already past noon.

And there was only one thing Harry wanted that he knew would help fix his mood.

To see his angel, Louis.

Yes, although Harry was embarrassed in front of Zayn the other day, and has yet to get close to the boy being his, he has not, and will not, give up.

And even if all fails for him, just seeing the blue-eyed boy's face will make him feel better.

As he walked into the coffee shop, the bell on the door ringing, his eyes instantly fell on his Louis.

He was currently wiping down the counter by the register, his head bopping ever so lightly to the music that was playing in the building.

Harry smiles for the first time that day, his mood already feeling like it was lifted.

Today the CEO decides not to even bother going up to the counter, instead taking a seat at one of the empty tables to just enjoy the view.

He pulled out the laptop he had brought with him, figuring he should do some work if he was just going to sit here.

And he had to say, he could definitely focus better here than at his office. All the stress just didn't exist here.

As Harry works, he doesn't notice the eyes of his angel watching him with curiosity.

Louis was beyond confused when he saw the businessman sitting at one of his tables. Usually, the guy would try anything to ask him out, but today he didn't even utter a word to the blue-eyed worker.

He had watched the man sit there for 2 hours just typing on his computer, completely in the zone.

It was a slow day today, and Louis had much time to himself, so after a while, he thought he'd offer the man a drink.

He brewed the coffee, leaving it black just like he remembered the CEO had ordered it all the times before. Then he placed a small scone on a plate before bringing it over to the table.

He set them down, the man's eyes finally looking up from his computer.

Louis smiles, before walking back behind the counter.

Harry can't help but smile as well. He picks up the coffee, taking a sip. The hot liquid runs down his throat, the taste erupting on his taste buds.

After he had finished his coffee and scone, he pulled out the pen he always kept in his suit jacket and moved the unused napkin on the table closer to himself.

He thought for a moment before beginning to write carefully, not wanting to rip it.

'Thank you for the coffee & scone. Call me sometime:)' he wrote his number down before placing it on the small plate.

He closed his computer, putting it back in his satchel before scooting his chair out and standing up.

He brought the plate back up to the counter where Louis was still standing, setting it down and beginning to walk out of the coffee shop.

He didn't need to look to know that his angel had looked at the napkin with a shake of his head, crumbling it up and throwing it. But this time, he still felt good, even after knowing he's been rejected once again because he got to spend the day in the presence of Louis.

I Want || Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now