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"Oh, come on Lou," the Irish accent of Louis's best mate exclaims loudly, "how many times are you going to reject the guy? He's totally your type. Tall, dark, and overly handsome."

Louis groans, taking a small sip of his cup of tea, "Niall, I refuse to be his next plaything!"

Niall rolls his eyes, "And you won't be. I talked to Zayn and he said he's never seen Harry want someone as bad as he wants you. He's totally in love with you, dude."

Louis shook his head. It was hard for him to open his heart to someone—even if that someone was an overly handsome man.

After his last relationship, he'd closed himself off to the dating world, refusing to be played and used with again.

"The answer is no, Niall. I can't."

"Dude! He's nothing like Stan. Just give him a chance. I mean, the dude brought you flowers. FLOWERS!" Niall shouts the last part, the small number of customers in the shop turning to look at us.

They both ignore the looks.

Louis looks down at the small beautiful bouquet of flowers in his left hand. A smile threatening to appear on his face.

Stan never brought him flowers. Actually, no one has ever brought him flowers in his life before. All the guys he's dated thought it was a girlish thing to do.

"Just think about it, okay? Harry really does like you, Louis. And you deserve to be happy for once." With those words, Niall turns around, going to help the person who had just walked into order.

Louis sighs, running his empty hand through his hair.

He walks to the back, setting the flowers down before sitting down.

His thoughts were running wild and a small headache was beginning to form in his head.

"For god's sake, look what you're doing to me, Styles," he groans.


It's been a week since Louis last saw Harry.

And for some reason that bothered the blue-eyed man.

He looked at the flowers on his desk—the ones he had gotten from Harry. They were still alive and well. Beautiful as ever. Which was weird considering how fast Louis usually killed plants. He was definitely not a plant parent.

Louis taps a pen on the desk, blowing out a puff of air, his cheeks inflating slightly from the action.

Maybe Harry finally gave up? Or maybe he found someone else that was willing to drop everything for a quick fuck from the CEO of one of the most successful businesses in the world.

These thoughts ran through Louis's head, only making him more bothered.

Then he remembers something that was said the last time he spoke to the man.

'November, huh? Well, don't you worry. I'll be the FIRST to come when it's in season. I'll wait, angel. No matter how long it takes'

Louis groans, "Fucks sake, he took that literally didn't he."

"Whatever. At least he is out of my hair," Louis continues, but the words for some reason make his chest feel tight.


Two more days, still no Harry.

Louis's tightness in his chest only getting worse


On the 14th day with no sign of the CEO, Louis caves into the tightness.

He grabs his car keys angrily, stomping out of his office and to the front of the coffee shop.

Niall, who was currently typing on his phone with a goofy, love-stricken smile (no doubt talking to Zayn) looks up at the sound of the blue-eyed man entering the room, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'll be back later!" He grumbles, heading out of the shop and to his old, beat-up car.

The drive to the Gucci office is short, so short in fact that Louis' anger hasn't had time to cool off.

He walks into the building with determination, ignoring the stares of those around him.

"Sir?" A lady at the front desk calls out to him, "Sir, you need to check in before going up?"

He ignores her.


He gets to the elevator, pushing the top button as he figures that's where Harry's office was.

The lady who was at the desk was now out of her chair, speed walking to the elevator trying to catch him.

Just as she's about to reach the blue-eyed man, the doors close, and the elevator beginning to move up.

As it reaches the top, Louis stalks over to the big office doors that say 'Mr. Styles' on it.

He doesn't bother knocking.

Mr. Styles, who was filling out paperwork, looks up at the sudden burst of the doors.

Shock overtakes him at the sight of who had caused the ruckus.

"You and your little mind games are over! You can't just persuade me every day, then decide to not come back till November! You're so fucking infuriating, it drives me cra—"

Warm, rough lips, connect with his, stopping his rampage.

It takes a few seconds for Louis to process what is happening, but when he does he responds back by pushing his lips harder against Harry's, deepening the kiss.

Hands find their way to hair, tongues colliding with one another.

The heat in the room builds by the second, and neither of the two men wants the moment to end.

What feels like forever, but in reality is only seconds, the kiss ends, the men stopping for air.

They lean their foreheads against the others, eyes closed as they catch their breath.

"Fuck," Harry whispers, his lips tingling from the kiss.

Eyes open, green meeting blue.

"Does this—does this mean you want me?" The CEO asks the angel quietly, almost sounding afraid to be rejected again.

Louis nods, kissing the man's lips again before answering, "Yes. It means I want you."

I Want || Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now