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The smell of Daffodils filled the car.

Harry's mood had done a complete 180 after spending the day at his angels coffee shop and today he wanted nothing more than to keep that mood stable.

He'd gotten up bright and early, 5 am to be precise, and got a head start at the office. His company was soon releasing a new brand of clothes in his new favorite color—Louis blue—and he had to look over everything to make sure it was all perfect and ready for launch.

After that, he walked to the cute flower shop just down the road, deciding to give his driver the day off.

At the flower shop, he picked up a bouquet of flowers, wanting to give them to his future husband.

The lady who owned the shop could see the gleam of love in the young CEO's eyes and had given him some of the best flowers in the hope that look of love would make it out.

Harry walks in the front door of the coffee shop, a smile on his lips.

Once again, the smell of coffee hits his nose, and the small buzzing sound of the cafe hits his ears. It's always perfect in here, he thinks, his eyes already beginning to roam around for his blue-eyes beauty.

"Fuck" Harry whispered under his breath as his eyes landed on Louis. He couldn't get over how beautiful he was.

Louis was currently wiping down the counter. His eyes were cast down and he had his tongue poking out of his mouth slightly as he was focusing on his taste.

Oh, the things Harry could imagine Louis doing with that tongue.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes the CEO's daydreaming clear. He turns to the sound.

The blonde, Niall, Harry believes, is standing in front of the cash register, a smirk on his lips, "Ya know, starring at someone like you want to undress them in the middle of a public place is a bit creepy, mate."

Harry can feel his cheeks flush. For fucks sake.

"I wasn't doing that." Harry insists.

Niall laughs, "Shore, Mate. Whatever helps you sleep at night. So, you gonna order something or just gonna stand there and drool over him all day?"

The brunette was about to respond with something snarky when a thought appeared in his head.

"Actually," Harry starts, taking another glance at Louis to make sure he was still out of hearing range, "how close would you say you and him are?"

Niall gives him a curious look, wondering where this was going, "He's like my brother. Best mate I could ask for."

Perfect, Harry thinks.

"Is he single? I need to know so that I can up my game and try to win him over. Also, I brought flowers, does he like flowers? I hope he does. I mean, how can someone as beautiful as him not like another beautiful thing? And—"

Niall cuts him off, "Mate, you rambling."

Harry inhales a deep breath, not noticing he was losing air from talking so fast, "Shit. Sorry,"

The blonde smiles, "It's all good. And to answer your questions, no he's not dating anyone and yes he like followers. Actually, you just so happened to get his favorite."

Harry beams as hearing this. Not only is his angel single, but he also bought him his favorite flower. Damn, today was already going swell.

Louis, finally looking up from where he is wiping down counters, notices the CEO talking to his best mate, a big smile on his lips and dimples showing on his cheeks.

"Here we go again." he whispers to himself.

He walks over to stand beside Niall, the businessman's eyes landing on him instantly, "Let me guess. Black coffee, tall?"

Harry, too busy getting lost in his angel's eyes, doesn't hear the question.

Niall on the other hand does, "He hasn't ordered yet, actually. We were just chatting a bit."

Louis frowns. Chatting? And Harry was beaming from it. What exactly were they talking about?

Harry, finally regaining a clear mind, lifts the hand with the flowers in them and shows them to Louis, "These are for you. I hope you like them,"

Louis looks baffled at the sight of the flowers. It takes him a few seconds to comprehend the sight before him, before he finally reaches out to take the flowers.

"Thanks?" He says, though it sounded more like a question.

"Anything for you, angel."

Louis holds down the need to blush. What? He couldn't help it if the gesture was darling.

The two lads stare at each other in silence. The tension growing in the room by the minute.

Niall clears his throat, cutting the tension like cheese, "So....did you want to order?"

Before Harry can speak, Louis cuts in, "I can take over if you'd like, Niall. You're due for a break anyway."

Niall, taking the hint, even if Louis didn't know yet that it was a hint, left, happily going to the back to eat his leftover Nando's.

"What can I get you?" Louis asks the CEO once the blonde had left.

"My usual, please," Harry tells him, trying not to get lost in the man's beauty again.

"Okay. Anything else I can get you?"

Harry's eyes fall to Louis's lips for a second before meeting the angel's eyes, "Well, since you asked. I never did get what I asked for the first day I came here."

The barista raises an eyebrow, "And that would be? I don't remember not giving you your order."

The CEO licks his lips, "I recall saying I wanted you. Never got the order—don't know why though. I know for a fact that what I want is not sold out."

Niall who can hear the conversation from the back can only think one thing; Smoooooth.

"You're right. It's not out of order, just currently not in season." Louis retaliates.

Harry wants to laugh but holds it in. Damn, his angel always had the perfect comeback.

"And what season would you say it's in?"

"The season that has the month that starts in NO. You know, like the word 'no'" Louis smirks.

God, Harry wanted to just kiss him and wipe the smirk off his face.

Ignoring the fact that, yet again, he had just been rejected, the CEO leans in a bit closer to Louis, "November, huh? Well, don't you worry. I'll be the FIRST to come when it's in season. I'll wait, angel. No matter how long it takes."

With that, he backs off, leaving the shop. His coffee order long forgotten.

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