🎶 Everything I Wanted 🎶

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Things you need to know before you begin:
Y/N - Your Name
Y/N/N - Your Nickname
A/T - Animal Type
And this is for lady-readers, as you are Sonic's girlfriend

Y/N woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. The same nightmare has plagued her every night since she was attacked by Eggman last week.
Gingerly, she sat up from the cot that Sonic had set up for her in The Shack and headed outside quietly. The lapping waves soothed her frayed nerves and slowed her breathing back down to a normal pace. Being the Sonic The Hedgehog's girlfriend wasn't as easy as you'd think.
Before Y/N became Sonic's girl, she was quiet and easily overlooked. Though she did well at her job and, eventually, in fighting against Eggman and all his goons, she was never given the recognition that she deserved.
The day Sonic started talking, listening, and showing more attention to her was the day Y/N's life was turned upside down! She was no longer forgotten or overlooked, but now looked up to and her presence seeked out. She has friends now and a caring boyfriend whom she loves dearly... but there's a part of her that she can't quiet and dismiss.

If I disappeared today, would anyone miss me? If I were no longer Sonic The Hedgehog's girlfriend, would people still ask my opinion and input? Or will things go back as they were? She sighed at her thoughts. If I have everything I've ever wanted, then why do I still think like this?!

Y/N tries to match the energetic positivity of her blue hedgehog (as everyone seems to expect of her) but deep down, she's scared most of the time! She fears the worse, doubts herself and her abilities to hold up under the heavy expectations everyone has for her.

A lonely tear slipped down her cheek; only the moon seeing her pain in the darkness of the night. Continuing down the beach, her mind replayed the nightmare and the actual event over and over until she was unsure of what was fact and what was fiction. They just bled together as if they were one and the same.

A sudden breeze ruffled her (hair/quills/feathers), making the young A/T focus on her surroundings once again.
There, standing beside her on the sandy shore with a gentle smile, was Sonic.
"Hey Y/N/N, why are you out here so late?" The blue hedgehog leaned in to give his girlfriend a side hug, being sure not to bump against her injured arm.
Y/N returned the hug weakly, giving him a small smile in return. Sonic's grin dropped completely as he stared at her in the dim moonlight. "What's wrong, Y/N? What's bothering you?"

The weak hold she had on her thoughts and emotions finally slipped loose, causing her to release her fears and pain in bursting sobs. The  cheerful and sarcastic blue hedgehog stayed quiet and sober for once as he held the smaller A/T in his arms. After all, patience is one of the best traits he's learned from the girl that he now gets to call his own.
It took a few minutes to pull herself back under control, but after many tears and hiccups, the A/T finally took a shuddering breath. Sonic held her securely all the while, trying to support her in even the smallest of ways.
The two stayed silent for a moment, simply listening to the splash of the ocean waves and the palm tree leaves rustling in the breeze.

Sonic cleared his throat, pulling her out of the momentary peaceful state. "Wanna tell me about it?" he whispered softly, rubbing her back in an attempt to ease the tense muscles there.
Y/N took a breath to as if to speak, but ended up staying silent, making Sonic sigh. "Listen, Y/N/N... I know you're not really the type to share your thoughts and emotions easily, and I respect that, but... sometimes we hurt ourselves and even the people we love by not sharing. 'Cause I want to hear every thought that comes into your head. Whether it's downright crazy that it makes me laugh or if it's sad, making me — yes, even me — cry. I love you and want to be apart of every aspect of your life; which includes the not-so-pretty ones..."
Sonic stayed quiet after that, letting his words sink in and, hopefully, reach her.

Y/N squeezed him into a tighter hug and exhaled slowly. "I k-keep reliving what happened with Eggman in my dreams. Nightmares," she amended in a voice that was just above a whisper. "When Eggman cornered me, no one was able to come and help. I fought off his drones for the most part, but then he began taunting me, saying my friends were purposefully not coming to my aid... because I wasn't worth—"

"No, no, no, no," Sonic interjected. "Y/N, you can't let his words get to you! He talks trash like that just to get in your head and mess with you."

The young A/T stayed quiet for a heartbeat before uttering her plaguing thoughts aloud in a ragged voice. "B-but I thought those same things... even before he said them. Sonic, I have everything I always dreamed of having! I'm seen and heard, I have friends... I have you! But I can't help but think it could all be gone in a moment! If I hadn't made it out of the fight, would anyone have actually noticed? No one heard me when I was shouting for help..." Y/N squeezed her eyes shut as she continued, saying, "And what if you realize that I'm not as good of a Mobian as you thought and end up d-dumping me? Will people still listen to my ideas, ask for my opinion...? Will they still be friends with me?"
Tears worked their way back out of her eyes once again by the end of her speech, but she carried through until she confessed all of her dark thoughts. "In my d-dream, I didn't make it out of the battle... and no one even shed a tear! A-and it was all so real..."

Shook to his core by the revelation, Sonic could do no more than hold his girlfriend tight and think of a way to tell her the truth that's clear to everyone except her...

"You really don't know how much you're worth...?" he mumbled under his breath in shock. To him, it would be impossible to not see all her amazing qualities!
Sonic pulled away from the embrace, leaving both hands on her shoulders so he could look into her tear-filled eyes. "Y/N, I need you to listen to me," he started in a gentle, yet firm, voice. "I can barely put into words just how amazing you are. You're smart, talented, beautiful, and have more kindness than all of the team put together! All you see are your, supposed, short comings and failures, while I see all the things you do, no matter how small, to help others. I see you when you talk to Knuckles, and no matter how much nonsense and stupidity that comes out of his mouth, you nod your head and smile; and I happen to know how much he appreciates it. You got him to eat a vegetable and I know that you've been sneaking in a few reading lessons for him too." Sonic gave her a quick wink, making a corner of her mouth lift. "I've never once heard you complain and call Tails a nerd or geek whenever he talks about a new invention of his. And even though Amy was rude and snarky to you for the longest time, you still showed her that never ending kindness of yours! Now, she genuinely respects you... She told me herself. Y/N, you've helped and encouraged so many people just by being you and you don't even realize it!" Sonic raised one of his gloved hands to wipe a tear from her cheek, saying in a much softer tone, "And let's not forget this wild, blue hedgehog that you managed to completely steal the heart of... and somehow made him into a better version of himself."
A gentle kiss was placed on her forehead. "To wrap it all up, let's just say that Sonic The Hedgehog, and his whole Team, would be lost without you... You matter so much to me. To all of us..."

A few more tears rolled down the A/T's cheek, but this time they were accompanied by a small, happy smile.
"How did I get so l-lucky to have someone like you?" she asked with a watery laugh.

Sonic chuckled, glad to see a smile on her face once again. "I was thinking the same thing..."

With that, Sonic tucked Y/N against his side protectively, and slowly strolled back up the beach until they reached The Shack.
"Even if I have to fight through a thousand of Eggman's goons, I promise, Y/N, I will always try to protect you. And I will definitely never stop loving you... You'll always have me..."

The End

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