(A/N : And another chapter is here. Kinda went a little overboard here. I usually aim for anywhere between 2250-2500 words. Here? Well, before I noticed, I went and wrote 3757 words. Go me!)
(Rimuru's Perspective)
"So, how many goblins live here?" I asked the goblin village elder
"This village is made up of one hundred and twenty goblins. Counting the women, about 72 of them are ready to fight" He replied
The goblins have a bit higher numbers than the previous timeline
Probably because we arrived earlier
"And what are the enemy's forces like?"
"As much as I dread to say, the enemies, the direwolves, number at about one hundred, my lords"
"Just Rimuru and Ciel is fine"
"Hai! Rimuru-sama! Ciel-sama!"
No matter how much I think about it, if this village was left on it's own, it would inevitably be destroyed
I mean, when you need ten of your troops to take down just one of the enemies, it already sounds hopeless
And then add to that the fact that the direwolves outnumber the battle ready goblins by almost thirty
*Sigh* Time to make preparations and fortify the village
"I will let you guys rest for about a week. After that, our preparations will start" I said as I got up from my seat
"Understood, Rimuru-sama" Says the goblin elder while also standing up
"Then...take me to the injured. We shall heal them"
Walking out of the shack, the goblin elder, along with his son and Rigur follow me outside
Then, the elder goes to another shack, or this would be more appropriate to call as a tent, with us following behind him
Inside, there were about twenty goblins
They all had terrible wounds, and some of them were suffering from diseases
Then, I look at Ciel-san
She looks back at me, seemingly understanding what I wanted to do
I raise both of my hands forward
And then, I hear a voice inside of my head
<Initiating [The Lord of Lust "Asmodeus"]'s Life domination>
From my hands, a purple smoke is released
That purple smoke started to inch closer to the injured goblins
And finally, that smoke entered the bodies of the almost dead goblins
In less than a second, all of their wounds disappeared
The goblin elder, along with the rest of the goblins looked at us with shock
Well? What did I even expect
Then, before I could even realize what happened, all of the goblins in this tent along with the goblin elder bowed in front of me
"Thank you very much for saving them, Rimuru-sama!" The goblin elder shouted
"Uhh...Yea. No problem. Don't worry about it" I say, slightly embarrassed
I had thought that I was used to this kind of praise, but it seems that that is not the case
After healing the goblins, Ciel-san and I went around the village once to determine it's current situation
Needless to say, but not good in an understatement

(Old ver. Discontinued) A Dream in the Faraway Past
FanfictionFeldway finally had enough. He brought out his true body, crafted by Veldanava's hands, while Rimuru was distracted, fighting an enraged Milim under Regalia dominion Rimuru was unable to contact any of his subordinates Not even Ciel could have predi...