Message from the author

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Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This is going to be short since I don't have that much to say. But I just want to say thank you for reading, voting and commenting on all my books including this one. I really appreciate it!

I would add something about my next story but there is one problem...:
I'm writing more than one book at the moment and I can't decide which one to start publishing first.

I'm writing my own version of a few animes I like (fanfics) and I MIGHT start publishing those. I don't have an exact date but when I decide to publish those fanfics I'll post something about it.

That's basically it. Thanks again for reading my books! I hope you're all doing well. Please take care of yourselves, eat enough food, drink lots of water and remember that you are all loved. You are all beautiful/handsome and you all deserve the world.

Love you❤️❤️

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