Chapter 10

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Jarrad, Scott agreed with Gramps that Julies, should stay at my house., had Julies sending fire dagger's to Scott, huffing over his caveman attitude, counting off on her fingers the ways times have changed,' also I have a black belt in Karate, taken care of my self for the last four years without some big ass wolf even if you are a big walking hunk, thinking I am a weak little woman", an with her last potent challenge,': I am a woman, hear me roar!:",had Scott doubled over laughing, his eyes streaming water, he is wheezing trying to catch his breath. Julies fist were clenched at her side, her red hair that had come loose was hanging in ringlets around her face, her green eyes were flashing as she launched herself at  Scott fist flying. Scott grabbed her fist, holding them to her sides, before flipping her upside down, grinning," be back in a moment boss, my mate needs a few lesson in how to be a female beta", he hollered over Julies demands," put me down you ass !' Scott's palm came down with a resounding slap on her butt,' now Julies, none of that language", laughing at her growl.'Bully, smart ass man, put me down, I 'll show you, lets me go , fifteen quick rounds of grab ass I'll show you",she threatened, watching Scott's back through the house out the back.

Jarrad was in deep thought with Cole from across the room, their faces were stern, almost dark as Cole nodded his head in agreement toward Jarrad. Cole left the room, closing the door softly behind him, Jarrad walked across the room," we need to talk Olivia."

"In ten days I will be meeting with the council of elders, along with other alpha's, Cameron has became a dangerous problem', crossing his legs as he leaned on gramps desk." You have ten days to get your things packed, I have already informed the pack of yours and Julies arrival" I started to protest, but Jarrad held up his hand." No Olivia, you would better protected in the pack house, I can have men posted for your protection. When Cameron discovers I have a mate you will be in more danger. I need to know you are safe. In our home, I can assure this. As Luna I know you can maintain peace an order among the women and children. They will be looking to you to lead them. I will have my old friend Ivan to help you with an decisions or guidance while I am gone."

I sat there stunned my mouth working with no words coming out, questions were running a muck in my mind. Who is this Cameron? What is going on , why is he the leader, how does Jarrad know him? When Gramps announced his name,Jarrad's face along with Scott's an Cole's went dark with rage.I thought that Jarrad was going to shift, his eyes went dark , his wolf was trying to come out. Reaching out my hand, rubbing his arm, calmed him down,as his arm circled my waist as he buried his nose into my hair, my scent seemed to calm him.

Jarrad pulled me up, leaning me into his chest rubbing my back in circles,"Olivia, it is going to be okay , you do trust me don"t you?' He leaned his forehead next to mine," Cameron was a friend at one time, Olivia, played sports together, hung out together until one day his parents got killed by rouges. I had just dropped off Cameron after football practice, when I heard him scream. He walked in as the one rouge ripped out his mothers throat. I ran back shifting , attacking the rouge fighting until I finally killed it. Tears were streaming down Cameron's face as he held his mother, body his fathers body was ripped into in the hallway. All I could do i had already done, ended the wolfs life that took hers. My Dad was the alpha at the time, an we sent out trackers to find the other two, but with the rain storm, they lost their scent. Cameron became withdrawn from schools, bursting out in anger, an finally at me. He blames me for their deaths. His parents was, or were one of the humans at that time that knew of our kind, had a good standing relationship with my father. Cameron's Dad like your grand father helped in search an rescue of kidnapped human an wolf's. Cameron disappeared for almost six months after his parents death, and when he returned, he came with followers. Others that wanted to wipe out the werewolves seeing them as a threat to  human life. If anything he see's himself as monitor, ridding the world of monsters. Olivia, there were files that went missing , files that contained information on every pack on the Southeast coast, names, numbers , investments made by pack members, the names of our mates, children, names of our warriors, training skill's, camps, an prisons for rouges. We believe Cameron is in possession of theses files, and by the recent attacks on the Crescent Moon pack there are no doubts."

The ride home was quiet as I digested all the information. If Jarrad is right an Cameron has all those files, he could wager a war, the bloodiest war of a lifetime. Which brought me back my thoughts to Jarrad, me as a Luna, mates, mating, leading a pack, a pack of wolves, well shoot, just because they wolves does not mean they are bad. Then back to Cameron, what if he hurts Jarrad an I am not there to help. I can shoot with best, Gramps made sure of that, cross-bow, skeet shooting, karate, I could be an asset on the field.  " Forget it Olivia, there is no way in hell I will let you fight", he growled.

Glaring at the side of his face,"Damn it, will you stay out of my head! It is not fair you get to read mind and i do not get to read yours," my voice dripping with fury. He chuckles low,"Not going to happen Kitten'.

Jarrad, Scott, and Cole closed themselves into my study, while Julies an I developed negatives from her outdoor wedding, plus the job I finished up on bears habitat, from the mountains.'Great shot on this one Olivia, how close were you?' inquired Julies, " you were almost on top of them, you can see the pink of the cubs tongue. Dang girl you could have been the mother bears dinner if she caught your scent.', exclaimed Julies holding up the finished print. Shrugging my shoulders,' I was down wind, she never seen me or smelt me, I hope the magazine loves the pictures and will publish them"

Julies was hanging up the prints as we discuss each picture, as she clipped the last one on the line, Julies looked at me,"well what do we do, Olivia? I have feelings  for Scott, he makes me mad, but at the same time i could lick him all over", she whispered," I want to be in his arms, i feel loved , protected,", she moaned, " i want to be with him. Am I loosing it?' Wow my little red head woodpecker  has fell out of the nest, a grin breaking across my lips, smack," ouch Julies, what was that for?'. Arms crossed, with a pout on her lips," showed me that picture of Scott on purpose', smack on my arm," ouch, damn it Julies", rubbing the offended area.' you are in love with him,'pointing a finger at her," and you are falling hard,' I giggled in glee. 'yeah what about you and your hunk, hummed Julies",mmmmmmm, i have seen the way you look at him!"

I laughed," Yeah, I would to cover him in whip cream and slowly lick it off', I said dreamily smacking my lips. A growl shook the house, my eyes wide, looking at Julies,"Damn he heard me!" Julies busted out laughing.

Our men joined us in the living room while we were placing the photo's in groups, Jarrad picked up the photo album containing my mother bear an cubs, looking at the details of each shot. 'You are really good, Olivia, these shots are some of the best I have ever seen,' he spoke proudly. Scott was doing the same with Julies, pointing out her use of light, Julies is really gifted can turn an old  toad into a prince of the frogs. Lights and shadows are her speciality.

The next fifteen minutes were spent discussing sleeping arrangements. Cole had the downstairs bedroom, and had said goodnight an hour ago. Nothing we said made any difference, Scott said he was sleeping with his mate, picked her up bridal style taking two steps at a time for the guest room down the hall from mine. Jarrad extend his hand for me to take, waiting for me to move across the room to accept not only his hand but what it would mean later. He raised an eyebrow in question. Could I walk away? What about these tingles, and that delicious cinnamon? Making my decision i moved closing the gap and put my hand in his. Watching the famous smirk of his sneaking across his lips, no way was he getting by that easy," Don't think everything will be your way buster, this here",holding my hand up in his , "is because I am tired an I need sleep"

Chuckling softly," as you say kitten"

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