Chapter 43

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The tension was thick, growls shaking my hands resting on Jarrad's back. I could feel the muscles in his back bunching together, while Clay or Warren who ever was standing in front of my mate seemed amused seeing four werewolves ready to shift in a moment notice. And do not get me started on May. Julies an I made it our goal in high school years to bring out the funny side of May Armfield, the female slut strutting her stuff, bullying the other girls less fortunate in the boob department.

It took Julies an I several weeks of visiting other towns, scoping out the bubble gum machines to get the right amount of green slime. We hit jackpot in the little town twenty minutes away one morning. One machine we had been watching was being serviced with our favorite slime. After our plea to buy all the little containers of green slime, he was laughing so hard, picking out the containers of just the green, to return to his truck with a box taped shut with a grin on his face. "Make a video girls, I have always wanted to be on someone being slime," his face splitting into huge grin.

The last box was the winner, filling her locker with green slime would stand out. Our cream of la cream, our greatest feat, go down in history as our finest pranks of our senior year.

Slime gushed out, gobbled out on top of her head, filling her cleavage, to splat all over the high heels, she wore proudly each day. Her trade mark of being the queen of Sluttville. She stood there screaming a high pitch squeal scrunching her nose up so tight, she began snorting in between the high pitch squeals. The hallways were roaring with laughter, hollering, an others shouting Wilbur, Wilbur, snorting like a pig. That had May huffing, stomping her feet. Which was her downfall. High heel shoes soaked in green slime , it was a recipe for doom. Arms went flying, waving in the air, her mouth wide open, her feet slipping an sliding on the tile floor. Her butt hit the floor with a thud, shaking her boob like bowls of jello squirting green slime straight into the air. By that time May face was blood red with fury , when she spotted Julies double over, tears running down her face, clutching her stomach in fits of laughter. It was not until she seen me holding a video camera recording it for all to see over an over again, did she release a roar, her body shooting straight for me. I ran, laughing hearing her squish down the hall, smacking the walls trying to run, shaking off the goo . May screamed shaking her fist at my retreating back. Laughing I turned, in my best witch voice from Wizard of Oz," I will get you my p-r-e-t-t-y an your little dog too," cackling in a creepy voice.

Now May had her body entwined tightly against this man,her red lips barely forming a smile, watching my mate along with the beta an third in command with amusement or is it scorn. Jarrad kept one hand on my arm, keeping me tucked behind his back, daring me to move. This is one time until I know what is what I am going to listen to my mate. Julies linked with me,"she's back", sing song in my head," we should have taken her down Olivia', an I could not help but agree.

'Now , now alpha this not the time", spreading his arms around the graveyard," or the place to air out differences", he said." Besides I see your little mate is confused," he sniffed the air," ahhhh congratulations Jarrad she is with child", laughing," she is a beauty". A deep growl vibrated at his comment." Just a observation Jarrad," holding his hands up in surrender." As you can see I have found my mate, May dear this is Alpha Jarrad, an his mate I believe you know,' his arm gathering May closer if that's possible, pff, she was already clinging, typical May. Julies was fuming with the word slut, gold digger, mind linking, as May smirked," Hiding Olivia behind your mate," coating her words with sarcasm. I got only half of my body out behind Jarrad, only because he let me.'My mate is protecting me May, he must see a threat. Tell me May ,I never got to ask how long did it take you to remove the green slime out of your hair?', smirking when her face turned blood red with fury.

Mac came strolling up, stopping looking back an forth at each group, clearing his throat," Olivia is everyone ready to leave. The town hall has been opened, for you an your family members. A lunch has been prepared, giving you time to fellowship with the community. This is our tribute in your grandfathers honor."

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