Chapter 31

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Julies had became quite, grunted or a simple yes or no response to my questions. I knew she was digesting, sorting, filing our conversation for a later date. I just hope Scott was going to grilled, I have been on the receiving one time, that was enough. We had been in the kitchen cooking for the last hour. The pantry was well stock with fresh tomato's, herbs, onions, blocks of Romania cheese, so Julies started preparing a large pot of sauce. I am sure the guards being wolves would have an appetite , several had already commented on the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. The last ingredients went into the pot, when all hell broke loose. One of Jarrad's men named Sam jerked the front door as we both came running into the living room, He was sliding back the couch, pulling the door open out of the floor, to a root cellar. ' Luna I want you to stay in here until I come for you." forcefully pushing Julies an I through the opening." Sam, what the hell", grabbing his arm." We are under attack, please Luna, go I will be back', Julies an I landed into a dirt , as Sam closed the door. We heard him move the couch back in place,as we heard growls an gun shots exploding outside. Julies pulled on a string giving us light from a single bulb hanging from the ceiling, revealing shelves of canned vegetables, jugs of water, with a chest full of blankets with a first aid kit placed in the corner. Who ever stocked the cellar had tried to think of anything a person would need to survive for little while. 'What do we do now?" Julies asked." Nothing I see no weapon, an we cannot compete with guns, since we have not got one ourselves,' I muttered still looking around. The gun fire sounded loud, it had to be on top of us, when we heard the front door crash open. I reached up turning the light off, just in case they can see light from in between the floor joints. More footsteps were everywhere above us. I think Julies an I were holding our breath, squeezing Julies hand tight, saying a little prayer they would leave. Glass could be heard shattering with thuds of bodies busting furniture, growls, an the sound of fist connecting with body parts. It sounded like a beer room brawl without the beer.

The board up above over heads creaked, an moaned under their weight. A  foot was stomping around at different places until he heard an echo, we have been discovered. Pushing Julies back grabbing two mason jars of pickles, I handed them off," How is your pitching arm red? Still got that fast ball pitch?", tossing a jar of pickles in the air with one hand, smirking, we may go down but not without a fight. Grinning, Julies moved to the other section behind the steps," This will be like fishing in a barrel", she whispered snickering. Quickly I moved to wrap the cord up around the light .Any advantages I could give us would be the difference of making it out this cellar without being kidnap an alive. Moving back into the opposite corner from Julies, I made sure I had more ammo, looking over Julies had a line of mason ready to be pitched. The door creaked open as a flashlight was shone down the steps."Go check it out, Evan's wanted the house inside an out searched for the women", he ordered the first one which was followed by the second, when Julies fired one jar making contact between his eyes, I fired my first shot hitting the second man squarely into his forehead. Both dropped like stones, I rushed forward grabbing the flashlight turning it off, shoving it into my back pocket. Julies helped me to roll them both over to one side hopefully they could not be spotted from the top of the steps. Damn , grunting, Julies an i struggled to get them rolled over. Standing, huffing looking over at Julies, i raised my hand as Julies slaps my hand in a high five. 'We still have it Thelma", Julies whispered looking up the steps," Yup Louise, wonder who else they will send down', flipping another jar in my hand." n-e-x-t," smirking."Murray, are you down there? Shit Murray stop playing around, these wolves are everywhere", hollering down the cellar. " I do not believe this",a huge man with square shoulders, an a beard hanging down the front of his belly descended  down the steps. Julies back up jar in hand,while I done the same . Mountain man turned his flashlight on, shining up the wall in between where Julies an I stood. His light dipped seeing the shoe of one of our victims,when he exploded,"Shit".

Clearing my throat, I stepped out, pulled out an the jar hit him square on the jaw that sent mountain man stumbling back but not knocking him out. " Well hello, sugar, now, now", he laughed," it will take more than a jar of pickles". Swinging back again, i put my foot back behind right foot to get my momentum to swing out harder, letting it go knocking him up side of his head.

He stumbled back again';How about that one darlin'?, watching as he grabbed his head,"Louise bring the runner into home", I said as i seen Julies letting a jar go flying into the back of his head with a crack, pickle juice soaking into the ground, as he slumped forward. 'And HE'S OUT !, Julies whispered shouted. High five again," Mountain man zero, southern belle two", i drawled out in my best Scarlett O'Hara.

I reached down grabbing the knife off mountain man, sliding it into the side of my sneakers, an a small pistol, as Julies got a pistol off one of the men she knocked. 'Ready?', I whispered to her. She nodded as i gradually step up to check out the room. Glass laid everywhere, the house was trashed then I seen a naked body of Sam next to the door. I pushed myself on out rushing to Sam, " Oh Sam, please say something," lifting his head back, his eyes fluttered open. There was a hole in his side where he had been shot. as i ripped off a piece of my shirt, wadding it up to try stop the bleeding. "Luna get out of here", Sam sputtered," He will be back, get out of here, the Alpha knows, he will be here soon". Julies had laid a blanket over Sam's nude body, " Sam can you shift?', Julies asked him."your wolf can heal you, but you have to shift back", she pleaded.

Then we heard someone in the background clapping their hands. We both jumped up together, turning to see, Justin Evan's leaning against the door frame. " Well look who have here, both our lovely ladies, an tending to a wounded half man , half wolf," walking by the cellar door looking down," I am impressed, four of my men you have managed to take out,"shaking his head in amusement," I sure could use the two of you on my team, but no",when he seen the disgusted look on our faces," you both have already been claimed," pulling my shirt back, then Julies inspecting our mates mark." Too bad, an I always wanted a spunky woman to tame," taking a piece of hair between his fingers, bring the lock of curls to his nose. Jerking back, I spat," Keep your hands off me", my eyes were glowing with hate. He dropped his hand," Tell me Olivia how does it feel to have a mutt make love to you",placing his hand on my stomach," know that you are carrying a mutt," he sneered in my face. I jerked his hand off me, an spat in his face. He grab my hair in his fist, an slapped me, damn why does a man go for the face, pushing me away from him into one of his gorilla arms. My face felt on fire, I could feel my cheek swelling, well damn another bruise. Julies had went ape shit on Evan's ass, an punched him in the nose. He was holding his nose as blood dripped form under his hand." You big puss, do you get your kicks out of hitting women," Julies was kicking her legs into the air, trying to get away from the man holding her back. Evan's pulled his hand back then started laughing at Julies," Take them back to the compound, make sure you search them, better yet hold them I will do it myself", walking over to Julies. He took his hands under her shirt, tearing her bra off, rubbing her breast, moving his hand down to her shorts taking the gun out of the back waistband." Well lookie there boys," before taking his hand down the front of her shorts cupping his hand over her core. Julies was spitting mad, " Son of a bitch". He trailed a finger into her slit before pulling it out, sniffing his fingers. " Smells like a mutt has been down there, darlin, better take care of that", smirking turning coming toward me. "Been awhile Evan's forgot what a real woman feels like that you have to have someone to hold one down for you to feel up", batting my eyelashes at him. His face went red, damn I am good! He got in my face as he grabbed my breast pinching the nipples hard ,tears were forming in my eyes. He pulled back, running his hands underneath my bra, jerking tearing it off."That will cost you butt head, that is a Victoria Secret.', I spat in his face. He took his hands running them up an down my butt cheeks, around the waist band as he pulled the gun I took from one of his men, shoving it into his back pocket. His hand cupped my mound, pushing, rubbing his mouth on my shoulder," Maybe , just maybe you will live long enough to know how a real man", as he bit into my mark, feeling the pain the bile started rising in my throat. Then it happened i vomit all over those expensive Italian shoes, then damn he back handed me on the other cheek.

'Take them secure them in the back room of the compound", he ordered , as they dragged us out the front door.

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