Chapter 34

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"Tick, to-ck, tick , to-ck the clock is running. Either she comes with me, or he die's. Which will it be?", Evan's slowly stroking the knife against Robert's throat. Jarrad stomped his feet, snarling, his teeth dripping with saliva. I moved standing close to Jarrad, I knew what I had to do, an Jarrad was not going to happy. Stroking his silky black fur, laying my head against his shoulders," I have to go with him, you know this. I cannot stand here an watch him kill my grandfather,' I whispered softly, tears filling my eyes. Jarrad's wolf roared, his growl vibrated through my body. I could not mind link with him while he was in wolf form, like I could even in his human form thanks to Evan's ghoulish doctor, but I am not an idiot I knew what that answer was a big NO. Cole pulled me back," Luna it is not safe to be that close to the alpha, his wolf is dominant,"he explained holding me back."Have faith in your Alpha, there is no way he will allow you to go with Evan's". Pushing my hair out of my face I seen Scott holding Julies back, Alex had moved to the right along the side of the wall slowly moving closer to gramps. ' Get back," Evan's ordered to Alex," Get your man back Alpha", he demanded," I will kill him", he threatened tightening his hold on gramps hair drawing the knife closer.

I have had enough, pulling away from Cole's grip, my body was pumping a butt load of  adrenaline from fear of losing my grandfather, fear of the man I love getting hurt, fear of members of the pack of getting injured, or worse dieing never returning to their love ones. The adrenaline was not just  pumping , it was sizzling. I am pissed. How dare him threaten my family! His mind was obsessed with destroying a race without  justification for what? Power, showing the world his way is the only way. That being different is wrong. Hell no!

Stepping forward,my teeth were clenched, my fingers were curled into a fist," So this is it. Your big plan of taking down another species, because they are different,because they  have a gene that can shift into something beautiful, jealous? Have they threaten to eat your young? Pff, as if anyone would want to procreate with the likes of you' taking my hand to gesture at his body,"oh yeah that's right you are a pathetic excuse of a man that has his goons to hold a woman for you to get a good feel, " I spat. Jarrad had shifted back into his human form,as i started my rant, I could feel his body tighten, as I continued taking a step closer,"Did you get a hard on Evan's?, I taunted watching his face go red.

i was on a roll, nothing was stopping me,"it has came down to you threatening my grandfather with me to get your freedom for what? So that you can kill me in the end. Or go into hiding until another day to strike with devastating plan to terminate innocent men, women an children cause you see yourself as a pure species of mankind. You were born in the wrong era, Hitler tried the same thing, it backfired, if you remember your history lessons', spitting out each sentence with venom. Jarrad tightened his hold., squeezing me so tight, i squeaked.

'You think you know me", laughing," your grandfather did too", smirking," I had them all fooled.It would have work if you had not mated with the mutt". Jarrad growled at Evan's words. ' I was going to hire you to take photo's for a new habitat, get close to you, ask you out,' laughing," take you to my bed make you mine, until the mutt changed all my plans". Jarrad's arms jerked me into his chest, bending close to my neck, taking deep breaths to calm his wolf, before I heard a low  rumble 'MINE' . Patting his chest with my hand," Down Wolfy, I am yours," using a soothing tone of voice to calm him.

Pulling back I saw Jarrad facial relax , but his forehead creased in deep thought , he had to be mind linking. Scott, Cole's an even Alex had the same look, locking eyes with one another. Something was happening, an I could not find out, well damn it all. I wanta kick that piece of shit that injected wolf bane in my system.

'Olivia what is your answer", Evan's demanded getting nervous, his eyes were darting toward the door behind us. Evan's demand went unanswered as both doors banged open falling off the hinges crashing to the floor, as a pack of wolves moved swiftly surrounding Evan's.

Evan's eyes widen, shoving the tip of the knife under gramps ear, slicing deeper as the blood flowed on his shirt. That was the moment I heard gramps call my name.The first time I had seen him move, his hand twitching, the light hazel eyes open long enough for me to see how lifeless, dim with pain, making my heart ache. Throwing my body to one side forcing Jarrad to let me go, I screamed, ' GRAMPS", running full speed dodging around the wolves circling Evan's. 'Olivia NO," Jarrad yelled. I heard Julies gasp out loud, with Jarrad hot on my heels. It all happen so fast, i sprinted, dodging, leaping to one side, when I felt the sting in my side. Grabbing my side, pulling my hand back I seen the blood, an the evil smile of Evan's holding the knife up covered in blood. Strong arms picked me up, holding me tight to his chest, as mayhem broke out behind me.

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