Chapter 32

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After being dragged out of the cabin, everything went black as frick an frat slapped a piece of material across our nose an mouth. When Julies an I woke we were in a room, tied back to back in a chair in the middle of a room. The room was dark, musky, clearly no one had used this room in a long time. I heard Julies moaning behind me," Julies you awake," my voice raspy. ' My head feels funny," she groaned. 'i know so does mine, it feels heavy, Julies try mind linking with Scott, I will try with Jarrad". We both got quiet, I concentrated, calling out to Jarrad, an my head would throb with pain."I can't it hurts too bad," whined Julies. I tried once more an the pain was shooting down the back of my head," I can't either, they had to give us something, this should not be happening". My thoughts wondered  what happen to Sam, he couldn't shift, an he was still lying on floor with his back to us during our little exchange with Evan's. Hopefully they left him, maybe just maybe he was able to shift an let his wolf heal him. Knowing that some of Jarrad's men died protecting me just did not feel right to me. Squinting my eyes trying to adjust them to the dimly lighted area i could barely make out a form on the wall, hanging on the wall, painted on the wall, what the hell is it? Closing my eyes then opening back I knew it was a body hanging from the walls his feet barely touching the floor. His head was hanging down, his hair was salt an pepper mixed, he was an older man. I kept staring squinting my eyes to relieve the blurry vision. Damn it what ever they used had really screwed with my vision,.things were doubled, blurry, colors were swirling. Wish my hands were free, they needed a good rub. ' Olivia who is that hanging on the wall?' Julies whispered, " He looks a lot like your grandfather". Looking back over trying to focus my eyes, I gasped," Oh shit it is gramps", struggling with the tape holding us in the chair."GRAMPS!" Nothing he did not move.'GRAMPS its me Olivia, can you hear me?' I pulled the tape back off my wrist twisting it back an forth working the tape loose. ' If I can get my hand loose, I still have my knife in my sneaker I could cut us loose", I grunted twisting the tape harder. Julies started twisting her hands to loosen the tape up," This is going to take awhile, Olivia." Grunting," Yeah but it is better than doing nothing", glancing over at gramps. A door crashed open as Evan's with his goons following close, with another man pushing a trolley with a yellow cloth covering the top. He had a white lab coat, his hair was oily, slicked back on his head with a pair of horn rimmed black glasses sitting on the bridge of honking big nose. Damn Toucan on the fruit loop box would be jealous! " Ah I see my two favorite ladies have awaken", Evan's stopping to rub his hand down the back of my head. Jerking away from his touch,"Well if it isn't the misfit, did Santa let you leave the Island of Misfit toys to see if anyone would play with you? Well damn, he needs to swing back, no one wants a misfit", smirking at him. Evan's face turned blood red, grabbing a handful of my hair in his fist jerking my head back, a knife pushed against my throat. I felt blood trickle down my neck, his eyes watching mine,"You are in no position to fire off that smart ass mouth, Olivia," looking down at the blood running down my neck. Moving his lips closer to mine, i could smell the foul odor of his breath, choking back the rise of bile, as he crashed his lips on mine.I kept my mouth shut, pulling my head backwards from him, not that it done any good.He just kept up the pressure, then I felt his tongue flicking along my bottom lip. Not a chance in hell, buddy, gathering spit in my mouth, rearing back to spit in his face, I quickly spat. Slamming my head loose, he slapped my head back, blood oozing out my nose," You will pay for that bitch", as he wiped his face with his handkerchief.

'Now let me introduce the fine doctor that will administer the truth serum to your grandfather, Dr. Flinn", as the good doctor moved to stand along the side of his trolley. 'As soon as your grandfather wakes, which should be soon", glancing at his watch,"we gave him something to make his move more relaxed", Evan's said grinning," We want him ready to tell all when the moment arrives', as he glanced back at Dr. Flinn tray. All I could see were a bottle with two syringes, an different kind of tools, sharp end, some with cork screw figures located in the center. It resembled something off a spy movie used  for torturing their victims. 'Scared Olivia", Evans asked picking one of the tools, rolling it in between his fingers," do you know what this little tool is for? It will in flick the massive amount of pain, a tool of persuasion. You see your grandfather has codes I need to obtain information to bring down the werewolves world, the world that you an your friend have decided to become part of, shame really, to have to kill you, but I will make no mistake", his tone low, threatening. ' i assume you have tired to mind link, or communicate with your mates,' laughing ," not happening, you see a little bit of wolf bane injected into your veins keeps the mates away," the good doctor nodding his head with a pasty grim smile plastered on his ghoul face.

Evan's an his goons followed by the good doctor left the room, I started twisting the tape," Olivia, that man is crazy, an did you see that Dr. Flinn, I swear he could be the next mad scientist slash doctor, we have to get this tape off," Julies was talking fast, working faster on the tape around her wrist."Olivia he plans on killing us, after your grandfather  gives him the codes we are doomed", she whined out, her voice breaking. Then we heard it, the howls of the wolves, a lot of wolves from the howls. I broke out in a hoot, my body was humming i could sense my mate, my Alpha, my Jarrad," The Calvary is here"

Alpha Eric had his men covering each perimeter, no one was escaping. To this Alpha this is his territory an he does not let any trespassing go with punishment of death. I had ask for Evan's life to be spared, any information we could gather from him would keep this from happening again. It is unlikely that anyone is working with Evan's but we cannot take that chance. Evan's had at least seventy five men stationed at the entrance, an the fighting was bloody, as I moved with Scott, an Cole to the back side of the building. The closer we got the more my wolf was pacing, Olivia was near, an time was important. According to Cameron , Evan's would not let Olivia go, he would kill her first, an my wolf pushing to come out. Scott found a side door, unlocked, not taking any chances, we slowly entered. With Evan's we expected the unexpected, a trap. Scott stopped lifting his head his nose caught Julies scent. " Julies is close', Scott whispered. I could also smell Olivia, an blood, Olivia's blood an I felt my canines start to extend." Calm down Jarrad we have to be careful, this might be a trap", Scott said grabbing me by the arm. I calmed, breathing deeply, focusing on finding my mate, mind linking with Alpha Eric, they had made it through an were entering through the front door.

Something just did not seem right it was too quite. Then I heard, felt a hot iron of a bullet shear into my left thigh, making my wolf howl in pain. I shifted into my massive black wolf, jumping, knocking the gun out of the Hunters hand, as he screamed like a little girl ripping his throat out. Scott had shifted along with Cole, three massive wolves standing howling a war cry.

Julies an I have been twisted out wrist loosing the tape as I screamed out in pain. Tears pouring out of  my eyes, I gasp for breath, slumping down in the chair as far as i could as the pain ripped through my thigh." Jarrad, I gasped, oh my God, Jarrad", he is hurt, damn this hurts bad."Olivia whats wrong," Julies hollered, 'Olivia", she was starting to panic." They are here Julies, they are here an Jarrad is hurt. Hurry we have to get this tape off!"

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