Experiments and Training (HanLeviEre) Female Riren

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Eren was tying her hair as she was training against Levi, her captain and her girlfriend. Hange said, “Try again, Eren”. Eren breathed slowly and watched for Levi’s movement and dodged her as he blocked her attacks and soon Levi was on the ground. Everyone looked at them
and were silent as Eren had Levi on her ass. Eren laughed softly and helped Levi. Levi said. “Dumbass”. Eren rolled her eyes as Levi looked at her with a glare and pulled her close to her face and said, “Wanna do that again?”. Eren smirked and rolled her eyes again. Levi punched her
in the gut and said,”Do that again, I will kick your ass”.

Eren was experimenting with Hange and Levi was watching. Eren transformed into her titan form…Long brown hair, a body like the Female Titan, Medium size breasts, curved hips, big thighs, and beautiful green eyes, she was very intelligent as well, but can barely talk because of her mouth shape. To Hange and Levi, she was more beautiful than Annie in titan form. Eren was stuck with a needle as she was terrified of needles ever since what her father did to her after her mother passed away. Of course she told Hange and Levi about it, but the only thing she can do is get over it. Titan Eren growled softly as she laid down. Levi said,”Good girl”. Eren looked at
Levi and smiled softly. Hange said, “Eren, can you understand me?”. Eren growled lowly as a yes and nodded softly. Hange squealed in excitement, Levi said, “Calm down Four eyes”. Eren was watching them bickered and smiled softly, looking up and growling lowly. Levi said, “What’s wrong?”. Eren pointed her finger at an Abnormal Titan. Levi got her ODM Gear as Hange got their gear as well. Eren got in a fighting stance. She was very intelligent when it came to fighting.

After Eren took out the Titan, Levi cut her out and said,”Eren wake up”. Eren wouldn’t wake up as Hange took her to the infirmary, apparently Eren won’t wake up in a while because of how many titans she battled while she was exhausted. Hange and Levi were worried, but Levi didn’t
show it like always…She was in a coma. A few weeks later, Eren woke up softly and Hange hugged her tightly and said,”I was so worried”. “I am sorry…I don’t remember what happened…”, Eren said. Hange explained what happened. Eren said, “oh…”. Levi entered the room and saw Eren awake and hugged her and said, "You worried us”. Eren hugged her back and
said, "I missed you too”.

Eren was doing all better and was training again, Eren did her hair up in a ponytail and trained with Erwin. Erwin said,”Levi has trained you well”. Eren swiped his leg up to cause Erwin to go down on the ground. Everyone looked at them. Annie thought,’Same moves as I taught her…she
is growing up’.

The End
Word Count: 508 words

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