Talks and Kisses (BertEre)

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Eren would talk about killing Titans or his friends from where he lived. Bertholdt would smile and listen to him and ask questions here and there. Eren smiled and hugged Bertholdt and smiled softly.

Bertholdt said, “I am gonna marry him”. “Who?’, Reiner said. Bertholdt said, “Eren…he is just so sweet and kind”. “I mean sure, but you have to remember”, Annie was about to finish, until Bertholdt said, “Yeah I know, finish the mission”, Bertholdt said. Eren yawned and said, “I’m so tired”. Armin chuckled. Mikasa said, “Hey Go talk to Bertholdt”. Eren blushed and said, “Eh- no way”. “Yes now come on”, Armin said. They went to the mess hall for lunch and smiled softly. They talked for a while. Bertholdt smiled and said, “Hey Eren”. “Hey Bertholdt”. Bertholdt smiled and said, “how are you?”. “Good”, Eren said. They talked for a bit and immediately it was fun and nice. They would talk after training and in the middle of the night. Bertholdt smiled and said, “Come on”. They went outside and talked. Eren looked up at the stars and said, “I hope my mother is up there”. “I see…”, Bertholdt. Eren smiled and said, “Kind of silly huh? A 15 year old being attached to some guy and already talks about his mother…”. Bertholdt said, “It’s fine”. Eren leaned his head against Bertholdt and smiled. Bertholdt chuckled. Shadis saw them and smirked as he left.

Ere was training against Bertholdt and had him on the ground and smiled. Bertholdt chuckled and had Eren on the ground. They both laughed and helped each other up. They continued to train, until Eren accidentally made Bertholdt fall down forward and they caused them to kiss. Everyone stopped and looked at them. Eren blushed as they quickly broke apart. Eren got up and ran into the big trees. Bertholdt was silent. Shadis chuckled and said, “I guess that sums up for you two”.

An hour later, Eren comes back and sees Bertholdt. Bertholdt said, “Eren”. “Bertholdt…I didn’t mean to run off like that…”, Eren said, blushing. Bertholdt chuckled and said, “It’s fine”. Eren blushed and looked away. Bertholdt held his chin and said, “I love you”. “Berthold I-... I love you too”, Eren said, looking away. It may be night, but you could see the blush on Eren’s cheek.  Berthold held his hand and smiled. They went inside the mess hall and talked a bit. Bertholdt held him close to his chest as Eren held his hand and smiled.

Eren and Bertholdt soon started dating as Eren was on the wall and it was obvious with Thomas and Aniki. Eren chuckled at the two and sat down until the colossal Titan appeared. Eren squealed and looked confused. The Colossal Titan disappeared after kicking a hole in the wall. Eren fell as Bertholdt caught him. Reiner was on the roof as he saw Bertholdt and Eren kiss. Eren said, “Stay safe”. “I will”, Bertholdt said as he left. Eren fought as many titans as he could. Eren was hiding from everyone and transformed into his titan, the only ones that saw him transform was, Bertholdt, Annie, and Reiner. Bertholdt was shocked and said, “My baby boy is a titan shifter”. Reiner said, “Got yourself a lucky coin”. Annie snickered. Bertholdt rolled his eyes. Eren’s Titan was fighting other titans and did any moves on the other titans.

Everyone was calm at the trial as well as Eren. Eren said, “Okay…obviously I have control of my titan…I have for at least 5 years now”. One of the Military Police said, “Oh yeah prove it”. “I would, if I was outside”, Eren said. Levi said, “Damn brat”. Eren looked at Levi and then Bertholdt and said, “Now let me go assholes”. They let him go as Eren was about to get shot, but obviously Eren dodged the bullet and said, “So mean”. The king said, “You are free”. Eren nodded and left.

Eren was calm as he talked to Bertholdt about the stupid MP’s as Bertholdt laughed softly and kissed Eren and said, “Calm down baby boy”.

A few years later, Mikasa was silent as Eren chose Humanity and Bertholdt instead of her. Eren said, “Sorry Mikasa, I love Bertholdt and wherever he is…I want to follow him…besides, I can always visit”. Levi said, “Good luck brat”. Eren hugged Levi and everyone and said, “Thanks and bye guys”. Sasha smiled and said, “Let’s go home now”.

At the Warrior’s base, Eren was amazed by it. Bertholdt chuckled and said, “Enjoying it here?”. Eren nodded and said, “So cool”. Zeke said, “Eren”. “I still wish Levi killed you”, Eren said. Zeke looked hurt and said, “How rude”. Eren smirks and sees Gabi and Falco. Gabi pointed a gun at him as Eren sighed and dodged the bullet and said, “Again? First the MP’s and now a child? Bertholdt!!”. Bertholdt laughed and kissed him and said, “It’s okay darling”. “I am being shot at…like always”, Eren said. Falco said, “I thought you were dead by now”. Reiner said, “Almost, but Eren saved him”. “Like those sons of bastards will eat my boyfriend”, Eren pouted.  Bertholdt kissed his forehead and said, “Let’s go eat”. “Fooood”, Eren said, holding Bertholdt’s hand. Pieck laughed. Porrco said, Not much food there?”. “There is…just the same boring food”.

Eren talked to Bertholdt and smiled. Bertholdt kissed him. Eren had pinned Bertholdt to the ground and laughed. Bertholdt said, “Seriously?”. “Yep”, Eren said. Bertholdt tackled him. They played around a bit. Bertholdt’s parents laughed. Eren giggled as Bertholdt had him pinned. Eren kissed Bertholdt and got free. Bertholdt laughed and Eren was sitting by Annie. Annie chuckled. Bertholdt kissed Eren.

They live happily ever after they fun times and dark times they had.

The End
Word Count: 975 words

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