Insecurities (HanPetoEre) Male Hange Male Petra

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Eren was insecure about himself as he went to Petra, his boyfriend and his other boyfriend Hange. Eren hugged Petra and said,”Hi”. “Hey baby boy”, Petra said, kissing his forehead. Eren smiled. Hange ruffled his hair and said, “Are you okay?”. Eren nodded.

In the dungeon, Eren thought,’They don’t love me…’. Eren cried softly as Hange entered the dungeon for dinner and said,”Eren…”. “Mmh?”, Eren said. Hange left him out and hugged him. Eren teared up and said,”I’m sorry”. Hange knew that he was insecure about himself and knew he had a hard time telling someone. Eren said,”Can we go eat now?”. Hange nodded.

They got upstairs as Petra hugged Eren, It was obvious that everyone knew he was insecure about himself. Eren broke down crying. Petra held him close and said, “Shh~ it’s okay”. Eren said, “I hate myself!! I am a Titan, who almost killed a lot of people no matter how many times I try not to, I hate the fact everyone acts like they care, but in reality they don’t!!”. Petra and Hange sat him down and held him close. Mikasa said,”Eren…”. Eren had his knees to his chest. Hange got down on the floor and held his cheek and said, “Listen to me…You're scared of your Titan side, you don’t need to blame yourself a lot..”. Petra said, “And baby boy, if no one loved you, I am pretty sure no one would save you more than once”. Eren was silent and said, “Just nightmares and insecurities at the same time don’t work”. Hange said,”It’s okay…Just cool, don’t panic darling”. Petra smiled softly and kissed Eren’s forehead and said,”Next time, just tell us what  is wrong with you… no matter what is wrong”.

A week later, Eren was doing better than before, as he went to hug Hange and saw Petra. Petra said, “Hey baby boy”. Hange smiled and kissed Eren’s forehead. Eren felt something wrong as a blade was heard. Eren pushed Hange out of the way as the blade hit Eren in the side and grunted in pain. Eren healed the wound after pulling the blade out of his side. Eren took out his switchblade and attacked the guy who threw it at him. Hange got Levi as Petra tried to stop it. Eren said,”Petra!!”. The guy had slash Petra’s stomach as he fell on the ground in pain. Hange helped Petra as Eren was still fighting. The guy said,”You suck at blade fighting!!”. Eren grunted and said,”yeah right”. Levi said,”Enough”. Eren did so as the guy brought out a sword and stabbed Eren’s leg. Eren grunted in pain and steamed came out of the wound and Eren kicked the guys’ sword out of his hand and stabbed the guy in the arm. Eren’s eyes glowed green and said, “You will not hurt my friends”. Mikasa grabbed the guy from behind and said,”Eren.. Are you okay? ". Eren said,”Petra!!”. Eren got to Petra and saw the wound.Petra gasps for air and grunts in pain.

Two years after the fight broke out, Eren and Hange and Petra were now married and had adopted a boy name, Taro.

The End
Word Count: 544 words

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